@Stevox2022 You try restarting your client yet? We had an issue that affected the number of servers you might be seeing.
@J0K3R_GaNg @ComplexMinded just means it popped, sneaky silent download 😄
we'll be setting it live on our end shortly
@UpFromTheDepths @MrDolphin101 But believe I do understand the argument well.
@UpFromTheDepths @MrDolphin101 I do too. I've asked everyone. But there is no way in good faith to test that. We cant ask them if their vote was legitly what they wanted or what they were asked. When voting, voters don't usually have to justify their vote while voting.
The issue causing some PC servers to not appear has been resolved. You may need to restart your client before seeing the servers appear!
Okay, relaunch and you'll be good to goooo
We are investigating an issue with the latest Summer Bash update for PC players which may result in some servers not appearing.
We are working with our host to identify and fix an issue with some servers not listing on PC post-deployment. It's high priority and we hope to have it rectified real quick folks
@zero_starfox @Clay_Pruitt Again you're saying it's unfair because he put in the work to get 4m subscribers and a big ARK community. Nah, that's not unfair. It only feels like it. I hope you find peace with this
@zero_starfox @Clay_Pruitt So should we ask them all did they vote because Nexxuz told them to or just disqualify them?
If you're saying it's unfair because he has a big community, I get it. That's life. Leverage your communities the way he did. We're asking everyone to do, 'influencer' or not.
@zero_starfox @Clay_Pruitt Votes don't have to be justified. If you are a part of the ARK community and you play ARK, your vote counts and you don't need to say why.
@Clay_Pruitt @zero_starfox This is the point I think a lot are missing.
@zero_starfox @Clay_Pruitt They don't need to say WHY they are making the vote they are making either - like most voting systems. No one needs to justify their vote.
@zero_starfox @Clay_Pruitt Unfortunately, blind following has the potential to happen in any voting system. Any. I put out tweets asking people to vote for what they wanted. If that's what they wanted -shrug-
@zero_starfox @NotDollie We wanted people to go out and make posts, videos, articles about it. So I guess "we" (company) just disagree on the approach. Feedback noted though.
@SyntacYT This just makes me smile every time.
@zero_starfox @NotDollie You realize it's up to the people to vote right? They have to go and vote for what they want. If they want the same thing as an influencer, can you really fault them. It's their choice just like you have yours.
Where is the alternate solution? Ban votes from popular people?
@KacieJ1318 no u
@zero_starfox @NotDollie This is a popularity vote. Nothing more nothing less. that is similar to campaigning - which I encourage.