@Markbrandel No 😭
@WhoseBacon Na if anything it's just patience.
Are we good now? 😅
@CHipZz_Gaming @survivetheark We want everyone to rally their viewers and community.
I think the goal was to get as many people involved as possible. So the team isn't against anyone (influencer or not) campaigning to get participation from the ARK community.
It's just one big ARK community.
@mjagenais @Mr_Freddle Me too!!!
@codigoalex_ We are one big family. Sometimes you argue but you still come to the table to eat together.
Unless you are my uncle Stephen.
@SyntacYT @SamuelRheart But just so everyone knows I think the goal was specifically t get the community involved. That means influencers and their ARK community. It's one ARK community.
@SyntacYT @SamuelRheart It would be real hard to verify everyone that is "community" but that's something we can think on for the next round.
@SyntacYT Fair is fair
Let me clarify:
This first vote will narrow to the Top 10. After that, there will still be another vote.
Meaning, you can still move the scales. The players will ultimately decide what get's added but it won't be in this initial round of voting.
@JasmineCorrupt @edmundium I respect your opinion but I don't see a way to make this "fair" in everyone's eyes. I haven't really seen a "fair" suggestion for all parties yet.
I think the senior management intended for people to promote their ideas.
@Jade_Playsgames @UpFromTheDepths @Mr_Freddle Technically the post said top 10. No one even said number one was getting chosen.
@edmundium @JasmineCorrupt The good ideas should still get voted on then if people are really engaged.
@JasmineCorrupt @edmundium Says who? It sounds like these creators are being faulted for having a big and engaged community.
The people in that community have to vote. They are voting on what they want, they aren't being forced.
@ComplexMinded: Tomorrow, the fun begins.
@edmundium What is a minimum though?
You see how these things may be hard to enforce for something that's really just asking for creature ideas.
We'd spend more time enforcing than reading suggestions
Trust me I get it. There is no easy solution.
@Tiberiu62358802 You get to pick for yourself. Go vote. It's just like voting in real life. Numbers win.
@UpFromTheDepths That's the spirit!
@edmundium That's true but this is essentially a popularity vote. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that. What would you propose?
Big creators aren't eligible.. or cant tweet/promote? What about smaller ones, can they? Or can no one promote? How do we police/enforce that