@pineapprrylleo1 Things ARK players say 😂
@J0K3R_GaNg These are up to date. I just spoke with the liveops team.
@CHipZz_Gaming No harm no foul. Disagreements are fine when both have mutual respect for each other - which I think we do.
@OnFire944 I'm scared to watch 😓
@Darkholis1 @survivetheark @ZenRowe Cool to see more Gen2 bits coming into maps.
@Darkholis1: @survivetheark @ZenRowe @ComplexMinded #ARKModProgram #sponsoredmod #playARK #ARK #ARKSurvivalEvolved #UE4Modding
A new Gl…
@Ygla1216 @survivetheark Nice work!
@SyntacYT Cool thumb!
@Hanna_Otter Yes
It wouldn't be a Ced tweet without something cryptic.
When I said earlier I didn't mean 4PM was earlier than 2PM. I meant 4PM is earlier than our usual console deployment (8PM).
@MakoFenrir Console is earlier than it usually is (8PM)
@Hanna_Otter On what part?
@RobinHoodPvP Consoles have been going out at 8PM
*PM 😅
@19mason84 PM.
We aren't going to list the dates and times for every time-zone but to your point, I did mistakenly not put AM or PM so my apologies for that.
Ready to bash the summer in!
Rates will go live for all platforms at 1PDT.
PC is planned to go live at 2PDT (could vary a hour +/-)
Consoles are planned to go live at 4PT (earlier, yay!)
@AustenGeorgeS generally relates to our partners and peak times etc
less so but still a factor is the fact it gives us most of the day to deal with any last minute fires that may surprise us 🔥
@ItsAmppp Understand that it's unfortunate for some but I'm not asking a team predominantly based in the USA to deploy a major version update in the middle of the night
☀️ARK Summer begins today☀️