@DaytimeCoder Lots of wisdom in this.
Eyes are on this now. I don't have an ETA yet but they are working on it.
@naeriie Not that I know of at the moment.
@LowlyEidolon All good, we have history
@TiiaAurora Crazy right
Sometimes I do wonder what the non-ARK players that follow me are thinking right now.
@NeoVanilluxe @survivetheark Beautiful
@JoseSanchezLIVE Some players like massive maps Jose :)
@oleHBW Also, another thing to consider.
So how do we improve for ARK 2 and beyond since we do have some limitations?
We become smarter about when those dinos need to do calculations, how complex they are, and how often they go dormant.
A combo of those things allows us to have more dinos on a map.
And in a couple days to a week it will be filled with thousands upon thousands of dino's.
Add those tamed dinos onto the ones you are spawning and you have significantly more overhead.
To clarify, dino's do hibernate - ie go dormant when they aren't seen.
Every dino in the game isn't always actively running calculations. But if it's in render range it is.
@GardenStTrader Everything has to run some type of calculation
"Map is too dead, seems empty"
You do realize adding more dino's (A.I) is what affects map and server performance right?
Every dino has to run a calculation (or several) depending on what it's doing.
I see your reports of PSN transfers. Trying to circle up with the team.
@GhostID6 Define weird for me please
@411mommabearr You should be able to transfer your character in. What platform?
@codigoalex_ I've been talking in chat too but I don't think they know me 😂
Sometimes that's a good problem
@codigoalex_ 💙 Ive been watching some #arkeanos streams today too!
@LordllRaiden @survivetheark I feel ya