Whether you get 1 view or a million - thanks from me personally. It's a pleasure getting to see all the content and truly a bright side of the job.
@AaronLongstaff1 Indeed
One thing is for sure, we have a ton of amazing content creators. No, I'm not just talking about the big people - it's everyone.
It makes me happy to see everyone sharing their experiences, art, and #PositiveVibes. Hopefully, we can continue to give you a platform to showcase
@ARKLove9 @green_collin @survivetheark 😊
@Nightnight60: Went and finally seen the memorial today on stream💙 #ARKSurvivalEvolved #playArk @ComplexMinded
@OliverAge24 Hoping you get some better sleep! If it's one thing we ALL need - it's sleep.
@JonahHughes3 @Sharpeyetwitch @survivetheark @NotDollie @Jatheish But those things don't generally include one-off problems with tickets but larger issues with the community,
@JonahHughes3 @Sharpeyetwitch @survivetheark @NotDollie @Jatheish Since when don't I hear community complaints? My Twitter feed populates regularly with them. So I take those back to the team and they decide what actions we take based off of them.
@thelilpanda Nice!
@WomenInGaming: We hope you’ll join us for the “Working in the Sandbox: Careers in Gaming” Panel at the Women Got Game Summit on March 2…
@sam_stimo @survivetheark
@sarrisrainbows @survivetheark @NotDollie Woah, that's a cool build.
@Kaito_Reiga @survivetheark @ZonexxOficial ♥️
@Kaito_Reiga: Cuando te das cuenta que en ARK rompes barreras creando tus propias recetas de comida @ZonexxOficial
#TwisNutts #ARK #pl…
@ARKLove9: ❄️Glacial Gasbags❄️
目が可愛い(*‘ω‘ *)
#ARK #playARK #arkArt
Introducing Classic PvP Season 4 Cluster B!
@JonahHughes3 @Sharpeyetwitch @survivetheark @NotDollie @Jatheish How else do people know you are having issues if you don't submit tickets? Tweets? Even if I see them, I'm not the person responsible for taking care of them or routing it to the direct department - the ticket takes care of that
@Billy_Boola @Sharpeyetwitch @survivetheark @NotDollie @Jatheish I mean you'd be surprised how many people don't - and go to twitter for help. Generally speaking, a ticket is your best and fastest way to get eyes on something.