@Hanna_Otter That is no good!!! 😠
@Bomb_Expert2019 Me too
@SyntacYT NOT THE JERBOA!!!!!!!!!
Most of us have been there, right? Sacrifices......
Happy Monday, hope you had a relaxing weekend!
@Ouijacom I don't believe the intent of this player was to get on my nerves based on the message.
@Ouijacom Believe it or not, there are some people that don't realize this is bad behavior. So this tweet is awareness for those people. And a warning.
@Ouijacom What's working? I can assure you whatever they wrote my mom about won't happen. It's counter-productive. This wasn't some random troll, this was a real player who was banned and trying to find options for being unbanned.
@Cederhill If we had an intentional policy of avoiding interacting, we wouldn't have started a Discord, I wouldn't be posting this tweet, and we wouldn't be having a convo.
@Cederhill You realize I have to log into the official website forum to post the crunch right? In terms of social we don't engage on Steam but we do update patch notes there. Our main social channels are STA, Discord, and Twitter.
@FM_17_8 I always thought people would rather talk to a real person rather than a brand. If that's the case, people have to learn the borders. I hardly say anything when I get messages in my own personal accounts, but my family?
@A_dmg04 Lifting weights... oh.. wait - that's gone too :(
@Tascharoe For . Real
@MajiqBeans @survivetheark There's a difference between corporate communication and personal communication and there's value to both. Some of the things I post would never come from a corporate voice. Anything you see come from STA has been approved and vetted. My account? Not so much. See the value?
@PoetRose3 My mom, being confused, actually thought something was going wrong and called me.
Please stop writing to my mom on Facebook about ARK issues and the reasons why you are banned. I'm begging you.
Work/Life Balance.
Thank you peeps.
@CoreyRForrester: Hey Proud Boys and MAGA “Patriots”... what the f*ck is it that this country hasn’t given you?
No crunch this week. I'm trying to work with the team on a Gen2 teaser for next week's crunch. That's what we all want right? No promises though! 🤞🏿
@kawarayane: アイランド4人集の印象(含曲解)
@gabrielWildcard I wasn't. I confess