You might not agree with all my views/beliefs and if you can't disagree without being offended, you should unfollow. You'll still get all the news. Following my account is following me and not ARK. Dont follow people you dont care for. ARK news propagates quickly.
All love!
@seanring007 🤣
@Hanna_Otter This one may be hard but I'll see what I can do!
@ComplexMinded: Now is a good time to remind people that the statements made on this account are personal ones. I'm a human employed by…
@LoadedCrysis Good luck homie
@CPTpoopy @survivetheark @ComplexMinded @thelilpanda It rolled back 4 days, that was the most recent "safe" save file we had unfortunately
@NeddyTheNoodle @NotDollie @survivetheark Hey sorry I'm late to this but I'm going to check it out soon!
@Tascharoe Holy sh*t 😍
@itsdehprey I remember meeting at PAX but more than I remember that I remember your huge smile and warm energy. One day we shall meet again! I could be wrong about PAX but I'm pretty sure it was a convention
@CudaCores #PositiveVibes bro
@ZenRowe: ARK Dev Kit version 320.1 was released over the new year! You can grab the update from the Epic Games Launcher.
Includes: The…
@KnochenKater Hang in there bud
@shafer255 Good luck!
@ScarletRaven23 Love it
@GuenneG Happy New Year!
@manicpanicpup Not bad at all, I didn't get my license until 21
@Raasclark Schedule me for that class