@TheEllisha Not 100% sure but @thelilpanda is the person you want to share the details with <3
@testyourgame @Kazu_Kun1994 If wildcard is a fail, lots of game companies would love to fail. That's not a brag, that's just facts. A lot to improve on but far from a fail.
@testyourgame @Kazu_Kun1994 My point is that doesn't help fix the issue at hand - you getting an update or getting fixes. It's just a witch-hunt. Especially coupled with the fact that even if you knew, you would lack the ability to take action on it.
@testyourgame @Kazu_Kun1994 And how would you go about making sure people lost their jobs?
@Anthony22146684 Win10? It's being looked into.
@Lampster3 'for some reason'? 😅
@XtheHe There are lots of PC players online. Is your server not appearing?
@BikerBambi_EU @NotDollie @survivetheark Thanks, looking into it.
@BikerBambi_EU @NotDollie @survivetheark What map are you on?
@SturgessFamily What map are you dashboarding on?
@Mcbattsy What map are you dashboarding on?
@OrihimeJasmine @survivetheark @NotDollie We should be able to provide an update on the timing once everyone has a little gas in their tanks. Info coming soon
@FlyingLatvian @jeremystieglitz Correct
@Mcbattsy What part of your game is screwed?
@84AndiMan That's next up now that we are past deployment. I think people are just catching a few zz's
@ElementalArkist @coldham_daniel @Coystaa The team is looking into issues with Win10
@SlimmJimmi Yes, this should be fixed shortly.
@Cazinho_x Checking with the team
@TheEllisha Ok with giving out your server name?