@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie And it's not the first time but since you have all the answers, enjoy
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie We have a discord
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie So what you will see is someone else say that I need to engage with players and miss this whole convo
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie Often what you'll see I won't get time to go in depth like this with one player. We've been talking for the last hour a little more. In that time I've only really been able to engage with you
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie Imagine trying to do that to every player though. It's proof right here that I do it.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @NotDollie I'm not the enemy man :)
@thesharksback1 Abuse is never warranted. In any scenario, but I do understand the frustration and anger.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 @NotDollie Too busy replying to you... so much for engagement 😆
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 @NotDollie As a community manager I'm not just responsible for delivering the message it's making sure the message got out. So you could say I did my job. Enjoy your night. or try to.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 @NotDollie You know we are a team right? The message got out. Dollie and I are talking.
@silicongirl75 Damn
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 We are waiting for answers. You are waiting on Wildcard, and we are waiting as well. It's a chain of waiting.
@thesharksback1 We are still in discussion on what can be done for Xbox to make up for the event.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 I'm saying we are waiting for answers :) Regardless, you can just go on the internet blaming partners. It doesn't create a positive working relationship for getting things done. Especially when you will need to work with them in the future.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 We are waiting for answers - so there's no one at Wildcard to wait on an answer for.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 Don't have those answers because we're waiting on them ourselves. It's how it works when the update is controlled by another party. So when I have that info... again....
@JJDuffy44 Just know we found out it wasn't going out at 8 when you did. And that's 100% truth.
@Complexmonk @NonUnderstTrey1 @arkisgreat1999 What you are not understanding is I have no reason to withhold information. It doesn't benefit me. So whenever I am able to share information you will have it. ✌
@Oldtreedoctor Why do you assume so? This is a certification that's scheduled to go out at a certain time. All we know is what those systems told us - which looked like it was a go.
@Adrian34PR All you need is the right people. We're hiring :)