@TwistedMind1975 @Jatheish @survivetheark is the business account.
@gabrielWildcard @Jatheish YAY!
@TerreyCharlotte I'll see what information I can share :)
Ok, #positivevibes time
Name someone you met in ARK or because of ARK that you consider a friend. I have quite a few, obviously @Jatheish, but I met someone named Arbiter Shade on Steam who inspired me to make Prim+ and build the community.
I talked to him a year ago or so.
"Maybe you shouldn't share info about ARK on your personal account" - I don't think you really want that.
Most of what I say would not be tweeted on a corporate account 🙊. That's just the way business works. I share this level of info because I care about what I do.
@Exiledd I just want to let you know I see your points. It's just a complicated time right now and we're all learning together.
@DWallnute And I see your points too. I'm about equality and uplifting everyone equally. Always will be.
@Exiledd Why exactly would I need to make an excuse? Since this is usual for WC, why wouldn't we just use the usual "excuse". It doesn't hurt me to say we have to delay because it wasn't ready.
Some things are bigger than a game update.
@tylerjcostant16 @DWallnute This isn't a work account. The work account is @survivetheark. I am not required to tweet about ARK at all on this account. I am required to post what comes from the @survivetheark account.
@DWallnute I see your point.
@tylerjcostant16 @DWallnute I'm guessing people are tired of being quiet about it 🤷🏿♂️
@tylerjcostant16 @DWallnute The news is posted sir.
@DWallnute Saying all lives matter doesn't bring attention to the racial divide. It's muting it. I do agree that all lives matter but in the context of what's trying to be done, it drowns out the whole point of the message.
@Mcbattsy 🤔you're entitled to your own opinion but if you don't think we have a racial problem in America, I don't know how we further this conversation. Much love.
@Teanah: It’s late and I had an idea so here’s a thing. General game dev moments but captured as Marvel moments
@Damm_Danielnz I just might m8
@Damm_Danielnz Mayyyyyybe I will!
@IlIllIIlllIIllI This time, the final candidate build was good to go and on schedule for ETA. Rare, I know😉
sh*t! Games Industry meeting at 0600. He's onto us!
@Cuhlissa @NotDollie No. As Activision did the same thing, Playstation and now WC. They’re just followers. Or somebody somewhere is offering these companies some money to get young ppl out on the street, as ps5 reveals and call of duty would’ve made their ass sit home. Conspiracy me