@Cederhill @ecoModsGames @arkjesse @jeremystieglitz Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
@of_verb It's very cool. I would definitely keep these and try to find out more about the origins.
@of_verb WTF!
@UK0consoles Na, you guys (and gals) are stuck with me
@GamerPerfection Add a couple more ;)
"You can sit here and type that but you cant share when the crunch is" Correct. There are a lot of spinning plates that prevent me from sharing that information.
Please believe at the first moment I can, I will.
Now is a good time to remind people that the statements made on this account are personal ones. I'm a human employed by a company I'm passionate about - so I share those updates personally. It's a personal account.
If personal statements bother you, follow @survivetheark.
@tazman1983 Still trying to nail down the time. I hope to have some information on it a little later today.
@JustHereForArk2 @tazman1983 @NotDollie @Dakoda_akers @survivetheark I think the whole world is getting involved. And technically ARK isn't doing anything or saying anything political. Dollie is. She's a person with her own voice.
@Dakoda_akers @survivetheark @ComplexMinded So, you make sexual comments about myself and a co-worker and if I were to block that noise, you're going to claim it's because I hate the 'truth"?
Impressive mental gymnastics 9/10.
Get outta here
@Dakoda_akers @survivetheark @ComplexMinded r u ok
@ijemmaohno: @ctrlshifti I hate hate hate it when people in tech act like they're above it all when they say that don't wanna get politi…
@jasonschreier: Hey if any journalists of color think I might be able to offer help or advice in games reporting or book publishing, ple…
@SyntacYT: Can’t believe it’s been 5 years! @survivetheark and WC, thank you for this awesome game!
@SyntacYT @survivetheark
@Jade_Playsgames It's important to keep amplifying the message, now more than ever. This is when these movements start to fade. I appreciate you. Discrimination (for everyone) has to end.
@LoadedCrysis @AvionLukas Sincerely, it means the world to me. Lifting people up and being supportive feels much better than bringing them down.
@ThePilgrimz @Jatheish @CudaCores @ZenRowe @WC_Zane One of the best ARK builders. Your work inspires many!