@Morphiax On servers? Sadly, I can't help there.
I'm being told that the Win10 update should hit at some point today. When? I don't have an exact time. But it's in the process.
@IvyRose11438569 Listen.. There are exceptions
@KilledKennyJr @JasonLizotte4 I'll try and get an answer to this.
@StixStyle #Conservation. I'm doing my part 🤣
IMPORTANT: I meant Uncrustables
@Drudeezi Shooting for. :)
@JasonLizotte4 Mindwipes are still a priority. Trust that there are people working urgently to get this fixed.
And breeding? 😲
Hopefully, everyone is staying safe. I've been working on some community things behind the scenes in addition to making sure I have enough Crustables to last this inevitable Seattle lockdown.
ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through March 23rd, with 2X Breeding, Taming, Harvesting, and XP on all platforms!
@Skittlis True true, I appreciate that you attempted it
@justinorcutt93 We'll be adding that to the "balance and QoL" patch due on PC in the next couple of days, then rolling out to consoles afterwards.
@ic0nic_28 Devs aren't enforcement. Have you submitted a report to our GM's? Please do so here: .
@JaseWhiteHorse 🙁
@Offdaheezee @ComplexMinded @survivetheark @arkjesse @arkchrisw @thelilpanda Shoot me a DM here with as much information as you can provide, including platform and server number please
@LowlyEidolon I think meteors are a touch...aggressive with their targeting logic. Plan to look into them with the next balance pass after the one we're currently working on.
@GRINGO_SOLO @Drudeezi We've been advised that it should come through within the next 24 hours.
@Drudeezi Unfortunately there's nothing we can do, there was an unexpected hitch in the upload process and we're awaiting cert. I understand the ramifications and I wish it weren't a waiting game for us too.
We have an Xbox server cook underway that should fix attack drones and defense units appearing invisible in the Lunar Biome. If it passes QA, I'd expect we can set that live within the next few hours.
PS4 players, we haven't forgotten you - early next week for major version 🙏🏻
@SpeedHausGaming @survivetheark I think there was miscommunication in regards to the patch notes in this image. We have a likely fix for mindwipes ready to go live soon (we haven't been able to repro the issue so we're unable to know for certain). We'll also be giving everyone a one off respec as a buffer.