@WhoseBacon Wishing you well!
@Helianthus_ Thanks for this!
@KatherineOsbur8 The plan is to have one (subject to change)
@EmilyJitter Stay safe!
@EthanMonaghan7 Serious? If so, wishing you a speedy recovery.
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @Rev04886401 Na :)
@JediUserSkyMaNn @stewy003 I did say if it was this week it would likely be the end of the week. I wouldn't expect it quite yet.
@Rev04886401 It's going to sound weird, but I get energy from people and being around them. So not being around humans has affected me quite a bit generally. It's making me realize how much I love human interaction,
@PinkBubbblez Sending some #positivevibes your way!
There's a deployment happening for consoles to fix the mix-up with EVO event rates. Progress is still going strong for those that are affected by mindwipes.
Not related, but how has your life been affected by the pandemic? Are you at home from work/school now? I'm curious 🤔
@MartinMatin28 I know. I want to set the mindwipe on fire at this point.
@GemThwart we're working on it
@adrian80007070 @survivetheark
@lionfamlee @wolfiechar @survivetheark @ComplexMinded Exactly
@JohnThechampi actual footage of me doing LiveOps
@NotDollie: ✔️Xbox: Player DC's triggered by starting a mission have been fixed. EVO rates have been fixed and reenabled
✔️PS4: EVO rat…
✔️Xbox: Player DC's triggered by starting a mission have been fixed. EVO rates have been fixed and reenabled
✔️PS4: EVO rates have been fixed and reenabled
Thank you for your reports and helpful information, team.
@Fukur_o @Jatheish @RexHarper3 We updated the binaries recently (but they were delayed behind the deployment). Are you sure you are still having this issue?
We're cooking a binary update. This means we will be redeploying Xbox servers in about 30 minutes to fix the client DC issue. Thank you for your server numbers and reports, much appreciated.
@Old_Fat_Gamer Understood, working on it