@Morbid_Avenger @JordanLaws0n @OneBlackG @ZenRowe you just gave me a lil bit of PTSD
@scottorca42: Here’s another y’all 🤣 Thankyou again wildcard for these little guys!! @Skittlis @ComplexMinded @NotDollie @CudaCores @Kee…
@i3igGun @ZenRowe That major version update hasn't been deployed yet
@HD_Anubis @Jade_Playsgames @ComplexMinded @survivetheark Yes, it means you can't grind it. Yup, you can go ahead and submit a support ticket to the GM's for Gen dino replacements now.
@Jatheish Good job big brain 🖤
@FabulousWeird: The best-preserved dinosaur ever discovered. This fossilized nodosaurus is more than 112 million years old, and patterns…
@Guy64Welsh PS4 is just behind, unfortunately you're going through the more lame drops until you get to the less lame. We're aiming for closer parity between all platforms in the weeks ahead.
@Bigboy0106 @ZenRowe I want this for you too! It's on the way.
@zEX0DUS @TomAkabaca Xbox over here... 🙄
@FreyaCrow @ZenRowe PS4 is behind on client updates, we're aiming for closer parity between platforms with a week or so.
@TomAkabaca PS4 is behind, all of that Gucci goodness will be coming for our PS4 players and we hope to have more parity between all platforms within about a week. Hang in there in your Primani 🙁
@JordanLaws0n @OneBlackG @ZenRowe There's a load of reasons as to why something may not be addressed or implemented immediately, unrelated to "they dont know" or "they don't care" or "they don't think it's serious".
Promise ✊🏻
@JordanLaws0n @OneBlackG @ZenRowe I'm me, you're in my Twitter thread. It's a serious issue. You don't need to "non-stop go on about something" for it to be seen as a priority, the majority of the time we're aware prior to issues hitting social media. One of my roles is LiveOps, it's part of my job.
@OneBlackG @JordanLaws0n @ZenRowe Yes. We're aware. Yes, there have been discussions internally. No, I have nothing to share on it as yet, unfortunately.
@AmazonWaPo @ZenRowe We're monitoring data and such and we'll see how it plays out over the coming weeks. Love you too, kind stranger! 😯
A lot of players have been asking for Dev Kit/Modding/UE4 guides recently
I'm more focused on LiveOps/Official servers so, if you have further questions, do poke @ZenRowe and tell him I sent you. He'll like that 😎
@kevinacb98 Check the latest tweet
@ConninBrandon Prim+ for XBOX should be 'working'. It isn't working at all for PS4.
@Emily92701818 @cj49640697 @Drazsen_ Hmmm what server? It's a network message that should hit all servers.
@R8derFan4lyfe PS4 notes are updated