@Offdaheezee I always provide answers when I have them. If you see me not responding it's because I'm waiting on info :) Would this be me arguing on Twitter too?
You may see them as arguments but the second I don't address criticisms, I'll get called out for that too.
@TD_Bengals @SinginFrenchie @thelilpanda Guess you're stuck with me eh?
@Ryan44965730 Ok
@Jatheish: FYI Unofficial Genesis Servers:
You can add this config option to your Game.ini, in the ShooterGameMode section to enable bu…
@Mantis20328010 @NotCantOrWont @SyntacYT Honestly, I'm trying to provide insight. I get you feel like the game is broken. So in your mind, everyone in the company should be working towards fixing those things. When in reality everyone can't.
@Mantis20328010 @SyntacYT Sadly, you don't have enough insight into how actually game companies work and the roles of the team. What you can work on and when it can be committed to the source. You just want a "working" game and I get that. Just say you want a working game and the details don't mattter.
@Mantis20328010 @NotCantOrWont @SyntacYT Art skills are generally not transferrable to tech skills. Unless they are a tech artist (real thing). Just a heads up.
@Mantis20328010 @SyntacYT If you think its an excuse to watch a Youtube review on a product you just release, I don't know where to go with this convo. We're not out at the bar partying lol. Good day.
@SyntacYT @KeenAspect @Jatheish @CudaCores @arkjesse @jeremystieglitz @AnthomniaGAME This is the ending we needed. Thank you immensely.
@Jatheish I still double space with the best of them. That's why you still find and replace all my " " with " ". You're lucky I love you. I don't take that from anyone!
@SinginFrenchie @thelilpanda gives me my info. He has links on his page for server info and reporting outages. And I get it, I really do.
@Mantis20328010 @SyntacYT Also, do you know how long editors take to load, levels, applications... Sometimes 5-10 minutes depending on what you're doing. perfect for a break to watch something totally relevant to your craft. Let's not assume man. I get you're upset.
@Mantis20328010 @SyntacYT Do you think someone that animates animals knows anything about the way a server is set up? These roles exist in all types of tech jobs, not just gaming. So let's kill the narrative. Animators are hired to animate, not fix servers.
@SyntacYT And somehow I always hit the twitter text limit. Thanks @AnthomniaGAME
@SinginFrenchie The "correct people" are all on Twitter too. In this case, the information isn't being withheld, the information was simply unavailable because the people were.
@SyntacYT We'd love to see it. A lot of people will say "oh the ark team are listening to the YT'ers hype their heads" Yes. Yes, we are.
After you dedicate your life for over a year on a project, it's nice to see positive fan reactions.
So thank you from the entire team. You and Anth
@Mantis20328010 @SyntacYT Not ever dev works on servers. Let's try to kill this narrative (that every "dev" does everything)
@syrusrayne13 Did you write customer support? Where did you get this information?
@SyntacYT 100K of those are prob coming from our office. Great content man.
@GamesWithSyd Not to far off.