@wozniak2012 Yep
@ellektrikk "easiest"
@M0nztr This was also a decision that was suggested by our community in overwhelming force. Hence the meme :)
XBOX servers are going live!
I'm inquiring about an issue with the Win10/XBOX purchase. As far as I'm aware, you should not need to purchase on both platforms.
@Abram_Ortiz____ @survivetheark Im checking on this
@M0nztr @crystal_tinsley @duxck I'm asking about this and hoping to get some clarity. That isn't the intention.
@rexzilla411 Absolutely 🤜🤛
PS4 servers are deploying now!
Official servers are coming! Rest assured. EU must be waking up soon, no?
@TheJakeNeal Mom needs some pancakes.
A solution for PC:
If after patching, you're having problems launching ARK: Genesis on Xbox. Please search the Store for a Genesis Part One addon. This will be a free download which Season Pass holders may need to start the expansion pack.
Update: Xbox: You should start to see the download now, you may have to restart your consoles to get the patch! PC: Please relaunch your steam application, and the Genesis start up bug should be fixed. If that doesn't work, please verify your steam files.
@IndominusTeeeRe Elite hacks
I guess I was right on the XBOX update:
Update: Xbox: ARK: Genesis has been published, so you should start to see the download in the next 30 to 60 minutes PC: We are currently investigating an issue where players are unable to launch ARK: Genesis on Steam.
The team is aware of some issues of being kicked back to the main menu or sent back to the store page. More info to come!
@DWallnute @JaysonRobbins6 @Madisonxvz @survivetheark I asked and I havent gotten clarification. I think someone is in the process of reaching out to Microsoft.