@Mythic_Twiist @JOJOsaysbreee @DMarine22 @survivetheark
@ChaseNe36970836 Sleep tight
@AJHP_ @OnyxR0se It's the date we shot for and missed. Kind of like a basketball shot, or a golf putt, or a pass from the quarterback to the wide receiver that's going for the in zone. It didn't work out for us today.
@WaylonWinn Great work my man
@AJHP_ @OnyxR0se Bro, let people feel how they want to feel. They are entitled to their feelings, just as you are entitled to your feelings.
@JOJOsaysbreee @DMarine22 @survivetheark The current step (certification/publishing) relies on going through an external system.
@Beats_Alive @NotDollie You too!
@MichaelRGruber Stunning
@DMarine22 Windows 10 is out of our hands at the moment. Legacy servers we have control over.
@Beats_Alive @NotDollie Godspeed.
@Beats_Alive @NotDollie Let me know how it goes!
@Beats_Alive @NotDollie We have pushed out a few updates recently but they shouldn't have been client downloads. This doesn't sound normal to me.
@Beats_Alive @NotDollie What platform?
@saint_maddie I think you are misunderstanding my use of server-side updates. But your feedback has been heard.
Legacy servers are planned but realistically they may be coming later today. +10 hours
Just a heads up, there will likely be some server-side updates (PC and Console) in the future. When? I'm not exactly sure. Console will likely follow PC.
@runswithpencil You're right, this is exactly what we needed - an open mind. <3
Remember those grand plans of getting on an official server on launch day?
What's up with Windows 10? Sitting in what seems like an infinite progressbar waiting to be published. When will it hit 100% I'm not sure yet. I'll keep you in the loop
@BeetleJuice2018 @Jatheish Yes