"You guys should do all platforms at once for goodness sakes!!!"
Based on MY latest guesstimate, 6PM (PST) for PC and PS4. What about XBOX? Figuring it out.
@IndominusTeeeRe @Jade_Playsgames No
The latest Xbox update may not be the full/correct Genesis update. Still trying to sort it out!
@mrstwilson1989 @survivetheark Don't worry, I got you!
@phelipesant Disappointed, sure. Ashamed?? Not at all.
@MitchXiii Much appreciated!
I want to give someone a Genesis Season Pass, a suave limited edition Gen Hoodie and a snuggly dino po…
@mrstwilson1989 And you have a valid point. We all have ways we cope with stress and in this role, you need coping mechanisms. Humor is mine. This is me for better or worse. And I think people want someone real, rather than corporate messages they can get from @survivetheark
@ben_boakes It means I'm trying to prevent people from thinking something is horribly wrong.
@mrstwilson1989 Did you see my next tweet?
Just to give you some insight. If there were something fundamentally broken or programmatically wrong with the build, a 4-6 hour delay wouldn't be enough for us to fix and redo certification. Rest easy, these are unrelated hiccups.
If I had to guess how long we're talking, it would be a few hours (<6 but >=2)
I'll keep you updated on developments.
I understand. I'd be frustrated too. The folks that worked so hard to bring this to you are also frustrated. But in that frustration, I'm still optimistic and excited about what's coming. Just another hurdle to leap 🦘
What will be the first thing you do inside the simulation?
#playARK #arkgenesis
We're anxious to get Genesis in your hands but we've hit a snag while publishing. We're expecting an additional couple hours in the previously communicated launch times.
Cast your nets wide, bountiful rewards are in store
Remember when I posted that meme out of excitement after playing Genesis? Do you understand now?!
The next challenge awaits: Genesis Part I