@JordanLaws0n @KilledKennyJr I'm not worried about people being mean to me. Especially not in a virtual world. But if I wanted to actually have convos with devs I wouldn't be abrasive. That's just me. They tend to not want to interact with those people.
@KilledKennyJr @JordanLaws0n Apparently sending mean tweets is the way you save ARK.
@PinkBubbblez Glad to hear you're OK!
@wxvvxps @zzzzzunit
@JordanLaws0n We have partners that handle our console ports so "we" aren't working on P+ technically. More assumptions. Last comment for real. Enjoy yourself.
@King_John333 Right when the event starts most likely
@ksa_rip That was the intention, but it's looking like that won't be the case.
@UK0consoles It's not ideal and shouldn't be the expectation going forward.
@JordanLaws0n I'm not saying anything different to you and you seem to have the same arguments every day, It's like groundhogs day. There are better uses for my time but I do enjoy engaging with you. Going forward I'll interact with you a little less.
@JordanLaws0n @KilledKennyJr Could ARK be better, yes. Do people enjoy ARK, yes. Is ARK a success, yes. Is ARK dead, no. Is the CCU for ARK lower than it has been, yes. Do we need new content to stay alive as a studio, yes. Do we need to resolve bugs, yes. Let's save some time :).
@JordanLaws0n Or the resources that are working on that stuff is working on arguably more important things like duping, meshing, the transfer system. Again, you can only assume because you don't know what's in play.
@HotTamali8 @KilledKennyJr
@JordanLaws0n @KilledKennyJr Numbers go up and down, it's the life of every game. For ARK to be in this place for how long its been out is a success and we're blessed. Sure it's not the most popular time for ARK but I think it's far from dead or its death bed.
@JordanLaws0n Na I wouldn't tell you that. I would tell you that you can't really tell them what their priorities should be if you don't know what's on their plate. You can only assume. You have no idea what they're working on - only an idea of what you think they should.
@HotTamali8 @KilledKennyJr <3
@JordanLaws0n It's what we call politics in the business world.
@JordanLaws0n You need to intern at a game company and you'll find all the answers you're looking for and more. But real talk, there are fixes being worked on. We have resources dedicated (no DLC) to that. Some of these systems take months to prototype, build and QA
I haven't forgotten about Mac/Linux and Prim+ survivors. Hopefully, those can be resolved this week but there are people working on them. Clusters/meks are both hot topics internally/externally. Oh, and I have event colors that I'll post tomorrow!