@KilledKennyJr I'm excited for it too.. and events in general 😉
@JordanLaws0n You're asking questions I don't/won't have the answer to :) Asking about priority is typically not something that will be divulged in social media. It would come from a company statement of some sort.
@ksa_rip Very sad face
@JordanLaws0n I need to double-check to see what squeezed in, but last I checked it was event content and possibly an exploit fix.
@ArksCoR I've spoken on both though. There isnt an immediate resolution to it but there are talks and action happening in the background. Sorry, I can't be more direct but I think people just want to see action anyway. It's on the docket.
@stewy003 It's the sad reality of lots of games. Sadly, it happens because legal times to fight this are $$$$$$ but I'll continue to report it to management.
@smokiefudge72 The trailer is tomorrow. Not ideal but sometimes things work out that way.
@Lolzoor_ @JoseSanchezLIVE @SeggzyGaming Na, being leashed as a community manager is hardly a job that I'd be doing long. Some leashes you can't avoid as an employee but my part of my job is to talk to the people. If I can't do that, why would I be here?
I'll be back to normal speed real soon! How've you been?
Community Crunch 203: Mysterious Mysteries, ExtraLife Stream, and Fear Evolved 3
A meteor has made impact on all ARKpocalypse servers. They're wiped clean & ready for a new 30 day experience!
ARKpocalypse are special monthly-wipe servers with 3x taming, harvest, XP, maturation, hatching + more! Join by searching "ARKpocalypse"! #playARK
@Not_TheFace @JordanLaws0n @cody120039 Chairs and crabs aren't going to solve meshing for ARK.... When people cant find one way to mesh they use another. Even if it's harder. That's not to say those things won't be fixed but those are band-aids to a larger problem. There will be a new method in 23 hrs as we've seen.
@NathxnK Clarifications wouldn't come from social media on twitter. If a tribe was dev wiped and has questions they should file a ticket and try to get information.
@JordanLaws0n @cody120039 And you're basing this on an understanding of...? Those words are subjective (taking too long) when you don't understand the complications. Maybe you do :) But I don't have the time to debate on Twitter today, unfortunately :). See ya around ;)
@NathxnK I know enforcement is active :). That, I do know. I don't know the specifics though.
@JordanLaws0n @cody120039 I can't speak to priorities. They may be focusing on the bigger fish knowing that it may solve some of the smaller edge cases.
@FM45429374 @seantoolitt There will be event colors. The full details will be in the upcoming crunch.
@cody120039 @JordanLaws0n Some exploits we fixed arent the ones broadcasted on Twitter. Bringing awareness to a system or specific function that was patched promotes "testing" that system. In general, we will always be vague about specifics.
@Xbox_InMy_Veins @JoseSanchezLIVE