@Mou_du_genoux Yes, yes it is. July is going to be a great month :). My birthday is this month too!
@iamChinnyD Hope you feel better man!
Sorry forgot to clarify but the Summer Bash event will include 2X mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation. I will update the post to reflect that and remember in the future. Happy Saturday!
@LowlyEidolon Welly look at possibly incorporating this in the future. Good feedback!
@MixerNachoooo I definitely know this song
@scottorca42 This is my spirit animal right now
@SurviveTheDevs Excellent
@Dark2084 No one works 24 hours man. People need time off. And this also doesn't include the customer service team. I wish it did though.
@FunWithCheese We must do this..
@br0kn_beauty Unhappy people don't produce good work
Song* there are drinks involved
Wildcard karaoke night! What sing did I do?
@DroneTP_ @nobodytocare We need a healthy balance of both. Which we're working on ;)
@DroneTP_ @nobodytocare Correct, new stuff doesn't really improve the existing bugs in the game but It brings in new players - which is important for the overall health of a company and ability to stay in business and improve the game.
@ZenRowe: We're down to the last 24 hours of the entry period for the ARK Modding contest.
If you've got an entry you've been holding…
@jamesjames881 Look on the bright side :)
@MorbidsDisaster @JonathanFalcons @colinwbradbury @CudaCores @bubblywums Yea I would keep personal insults to the side. I can deal with criticism and complaints.
@JonathanFalcons @colinwbradbury @CudaCores @bubblywums Also, I'm not sure why I blocked you but I don't block many people and it must have been a while ago. Either way, I've unblocked you - fresh starts.