@Superio25410329 We're streaming Monday, so expect something to be announced then.
@DovahStud Fixed an exploit :)
@PurpleWarGrey We can't go into detail about all exploits. If it's something that's widely known, we may. If we did an off-schedule patch, it's an exploit we consider malicious and addressed with priority.
@musgo_the @cexzo @thelilpanda @LeGamerProject1 @arkjesse We have a tool very similar we've been running on official servers for over a month.
At 4pm EST Official PC Servers will be taken offline to update to 296.106. There is also a client update available. During this time we will begin the Great Migration for PC.
@cexzo @thelilpanda @LeGamerProject1 @arkjesse Lots of fixes have gone into fixing the ways people get into the mesh. Not all ways though.
@LaPoupouille @thelilpanda @LeGamerProject1 @arkjesse Not this dev
@MrDolphin101 I remember talking about this with the dev team recently. More to come!
@FreakingTragedy What would you prefer instead?
@Rofcast @MrDolphin101 Is ThickFreedom still doing videos?
@KingGomez54 Is that a reality that can happen? Yep. Is that a reality that I think is happening with ARK? Nope. If you have some information I need to be aware of, please let me know. I can reach out.
@Destruct0Dan We have something similar running on official servers. The challenge with these types of tools is not detecting, it's false detections. Meaning someone who isnt under the mesh is detected as being under it.
@Destruct0Dan I've posted a whole thread about this on my twitter recently. It fixes some cases.
@RedDwarf_Mods The happiest of stories! Thanks for sharing.
@FreakingTragedy This will be fixed in the next update. I don't have a specific date but it's likely a week vs. several weeks.
@everynightriot Good things dinosaurs never die :) There's still more ARK(s) to explore.
@NotRiscoh @GhostID6 Good feedback :)