Yesterday in my ARK shirt:
Person: "Yo you play ARK" Me: "Kind of, I work on the dev team" Person: "Awesome! I love that game man! Me and all my buddies have a private server"
Can't let social media fool you into thinking "fix ur game incompetent devs" is the voice of everyone
@lanewelch18 @Danieldepaus1 Good idea!
@gg_avalon @captain_fatdog Beautiful
@andieder51 Pic?
@musgo_the We're tracking. They are known and will get attention from the dev team. As far as a date or timeframe - nothing to report at the moment.
@maxu84 @tiolobster @nobodytocare Wouldn't be too sure of that. Right now the focus is clearing out the existing tickets/cases. The team is only so big.
@maxu84 @tiolobster @nobodytocare
@hughesymufc @Xbox_InMy_Veins @FocusedMindfrme Or, if we ever do introduce those servers? 🤞
@AnthomniaGAME The truth is that every CM may not be given the freedom to communicate freely or how they prefer within a game company. So I'm humbled for the opportunity I'm afforded.
@AnthomniaGAME Thank you, but I have to thank the company for giving me the freedom to be me. This isn't a corporate account. Just a dude with a passion for games and people. I realized I like working with people more than code 🤓 (I like both)
@iMosa94 @KISHKO_ I wouldn't be under the mesh. It's all tracked and a 0 tolerance policy. You might get some leniency if you file a ticket and let them know what you're doing. But that's a long shot.
@lanewelch18 @Danieldepaus1 Not yet. Sorry man, hopefully I can have some good news on that soon.
@SirBabaYaga_ @thelilpanda What was done was impressive and if there is something to be learned, we're all ears. I came from the mod community so nothing but respect here.
@lanewelch18 @Danieldepaus1 It won't notify you, it will notify us 🧐
@Sensashuns Known , but no ETA at the moment.
@LowlyEidolon @jcarr208 Support is better but far from perfect or ideal.
@Mou_du_genoux I had one of these in Paris. 💣
@bcfchxrryy @pope74753354 Yep, this also helps with fixes holes as we can see where people went under the mesh
@Danieldepaus1 You must know me lol