@EricThehysteric It's on the to-do list and very known. It isn't one we have an immediate fix for.
@LqDrago085 @LowlyEidolon @TheJakeNeal @tyler_fullarton @survivetheark No worries, it's good to ask questions.
@LowlyEidolon @LqDrago085 @TheJakeNeal @tyler_fullarton @survivetheark We might have some stuff coming up that you'd might like :)
@br0kn_beauty Amazing. I love these stories!
The Win10/UWP update has been published and should be live shortly. Thanks for your patience!
@cFROSTYscriv The update was just published so hopefully you see it soon!
@Wreckt_Z_Gaming @survivetheark Looks like it's been published to the store now. Hopefully it's up within the hour.
@KranzBlake I'm asking the team about the Win10 update.
@Wreckt_Z_Gaming @survivetheark Investigating
@xDirtyDirtyx @survivetheark Cool idea
@LqDrago085 @LowlyEidolon @TheJakeNeal @tyler_fullarton @survivetheark We have metrics and data - this isn't a number I'm guessing at.
@Dizzzyyyyyy They are on the twitter thread with the message about the ARK deployment
@LJT515 Good feedback - I'll see what I can do about the lead time. I can definitely improve the communication of patch sizes.
@ShrewdMorsMorde @IFeaarless @survivetheark Patch notes are up. :)
@Rosariosousa9 @PEUPDATE @survivetheark Patch notes are up now.
XBOX and PS4 deployment is complete!
Patch Notes:
@pope74753354 @wewantArk_O @survivetheark It wont be classic ARK. I'll just level set with you now on that one.
@Johndoe772 They are up on SurviveTheArk. I'll update the link once deployment is done :)
@LqDrago085 @LowlyEidolon @TheJakeNeal @tyler_fullarton @survivetheark There are actually more PVE players than PVP. Not saying either is more important than the other. Just stating facts.
@pope74753354 @survivetheark No plans for a reset at the moment. It's been mentioned to management. As far for the legacy servers we are taking down..................... they'll be used for "stuff" :)