@TemptedFN There's always a chance. No plans at the moment though!
@Xbox_InMy_Veins That was back when I could actually choose what I work on :)
@DJHenderson12 Keep me updated!! You'll have some frustrating moments that will make you feel like you are in over your head. Stay with it!
@Xbox_InMy_Veins Who says a modded build will win? How is any of this 'fair' considering I only have one to give away?
Just to clarify, this doesn't have to be on an official server. You can go into creative mode. Use your imagination!
@DJHenderson12 I was in the same boat. I'd suggest coming up with a game idea you'd like to make. Then watch/read tutorials based on that. It's always best having a goal in mind when learning game development (imo)
@HawksS3a You can do a SP build if you like!
@mistahwoodhouse @survivetheark
@ComplexMinded: OK, it's settled. Show me your cool or efficient greenhouse build and I'll send some s**t to you. I'll pick my favorit…
OK, it's settled. Show me your cool or efficient greenhouse build and I'll send some s**t to you. I'll pick my favorite on Monday and announce! Submit below!
@TmanRek @dekiRage @survivetheark @jeremystieglitz @bubblywums I'm tuning in :)
@ZoeCatfu @PmsProxy Wait serious question.... Do women's jeans really have "ass" measurements?
@CudaCores: I've fixed the issue with the support ticket system. You should be good to go now! 👍
@EstefanoAmador @survivetheark
@ExcitedKangaroo What's your reasoning for removing them. Optimization/perf? Or just to return it to the pre-contest state?
@EstefanoAmador @survivetheark When did you submit a ticket?
@Raptorclawz @survivetheark It is. But I figure someone might want some ARK swag. I'm not a collectible guy myself.
@ComplexMinded: Yes, this is poop. We gave these away very early during @survivetheark and ran out! It's a pretty rare ARK collectible.…
@_Midz_ @survivetheark