Yes, this is poop. We gave these away very early during @survivetheark and ran out! It's a pretty rare ARK collectible. Now I want to give my personal poop to some ARK fan. Any cool ideas on a give-a-way?
@CudaCores: is now love again... with GIPHY integraton!
@ZoeCatfu @Twitch @netflix I hear Netflix is experimenting with ads too. You will never escape!
@CudaCores: Giphy Support is now integrated into !
@HologramDream Dope pic! Good luck on the upcoming launch in July!
Mic check 1, 2, 1, 2
@CudaCores: I'm taking down for some updates. Hang Tight! 🦖
@omariaarons @NAAIABoston Happy Birthday man!
@BelleOnTwitch Smart lady! Congrats Daisy! 😜
@Wxngyy1 The obligation is making sure we have a running studio to give a game to players. Trust me, the community has been heard but a decision has not been made.
Server deployment for today is now complete, which has concluded our event. We hope everyone has enjoyed Eggcellent Adventure this year! #playARK
@Wxngyy1 When you're running a game studio - which is a business that has obligations to other businesses - decisions like this are never that easy.
@PSN_SpaceNerd @bubblywums There shouldn't be an additional patch you need to download. It's all done on the server.
@FEI9CallMeFine I'm not sure what is actually happening here.
@Bipolar_Chucky We always look for new mod maps to come to console. I think we have a pretty good track record of working with the mod community :)
@Wxngyy1 I think it's better than saying nothing right? We aren't ready to make any commitments on solo/duo servers - there's your confirmation if you need it.
@DFahy93 If you have an account you should be able to upvote it similarly to Reddit.
Make the most of your Eggcellent Adventure now because our holiday event hops off for another year tomorrow! #playARK