The event on official servers was extended, but the automatic activation by date has passed. If you want to continue to run the event on your unofficial servers use the launch arg
The event on official servers was extended, but the automatic activation by date has passed. If you want to continue to run the event on your unofficial servers use the launch arg
So the BabyImprintAmountMultiplier,
The idea behind it was this: You can scale and tweak the cuddle interval & maturation times as you would before, the BabyImprintAmountMuiplier works on top of that to give you the ability to make imprinting less strict about being perfectly on time for all of the cuddle windows.
say you want to make it so they player only has to hit half the windows? just set the imprint amount multiplier to 2.0
The imprint amount multiplier does not affect the number of cuddle windows you get, just the amount of imprinting you get from each one. It is impacted b