Edit : strange. now it works ... ... ... hold on a Moment ... ... ... edit 2 : should i be curious of why exactly this Forums is trying to struggle against the Quotes i want to, well, quote here ? This Topic is not closed, now is it ? So why this Attempt to suppress further talk ?Your posts were being auto-flagged for breaking the forum rules <3 Feel free to DM me if you'd like clarification :)
https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Backgrounds ...(Plus, Vaknar asked about Backgrounds feedback in my Racial Augments thread, so I'm reading that as Backgrounds in and Racial Augments out). So that raises the question, what do you want out of backgrounds?...Hmmm... I think you may be taking some leaps with this statement 😅, but there is still good merit to your thought starter here. <3 Here is my comment in your other thread in which I engage with follow-up questions :)
Nice assist, @Tryol !Source
I'm not a fan of the idea of backgrounds, either. If they provide some mechanical benefit, there will inevitably be some "best" choice for archetype x. I think it's bad design to lock players into a choice they were forced to make when they didn't understand the game.What would make you like the background system more? Perhaps besides simply less of a mechanical importance? Also, awesome thought-starter in your OP <3
Chicago;c-460429There are a few helpful responses in this thread, but to summarize, Ashes of Creation is being developed with Unreal Engine 5. We ... Read moreDygz;c-460426Because they're different locations with completely different lighting due to in-game variables? The Carphin video is in a heavily corrupted area with different environmental lighting. Overall they look like the same game. There are a few other differences like having the camera zoomed out more in the Node wars demo and they may have some graphics settings reduced because of performance issues (the game is still unoptimized), but they are clearly both footage from the same game...The Node Wars demo is just as pre-recorded as the Tower of Carphin Demo.then why do they look like completely different games?, obviously i know it was pre recorded in the fact that it wasn't live but i don't think they were recorded on the same engine