- Tennkey
I bought the $375 package but I don't see my Alpha test role.
That package comes with:
[*] Access to future Alpha Two test phase
[*] Access to future Beta One test phase
[*] Access to future Beta Two test phase
- Tennkey
I bought the $375 package but I don't see my Alpha test role.
- Tyranthraxus
Find dem' bugs!
- pyreal
- MargaretKrohn
- horendis
Is the Crested Sunplume a gliding mount or just land? Also, dies the tree come with the Hilled Hovel? Thanks.
It's a land animal, but can go in the water. (Not a gliding mount.)
Tree does come with the Hilled Hovel.
Its surprising that the tree doesn't come with the hovel, since the tree is in every depiction, including the Shop page.
Pokkitt was obviously misled (not saying intentionally) on this " tree house". Can you blame him? The tree is the largest element of the display!
May I suggest reworking the graphics to not include things which aren't included?
Is the GRASS included?
The front arch frame appears to be made of roots. Are the roots included, seeing as there is no tree?
- Pokkitt
So there I was, thinking it would be a long time before a new cosmetic set dropped which would compel me to spend some coin...and then you guys drop a duck mount, and duckling pet! :o
And to top it off, some druidic/ranger style armour, and a tree house? Shut up and take my money.
- horendis
Is the Crested Sunplume a gliding mount or just land? Also, dies the tree come with the Hilled Hovel? Thanks.
- Merek
Hmm, where have I seen that armor before...
- Nettume-Networks
Really love the bag and the duck. But...
would love -- no just give me another top hat.
- Tyranthraxus
I will make a note, at this point: unlike the monthly Q&A's, this thread does not limit us to 1 question, each. If that's the intention, an edit should be made to the OP!