Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

08 Jan


We do plan to do giveaways for access to testing phases 😉

Make sure you’re following us on our social channels so you never miss a chance at a giveaway, or news for what we have coming up. You can see where we share info here.

07 Jan


Originally posted by Venar24

They dont allow refund past 14 days which is another issue in it of itself considering the considerable delays that have happened in the past.

Incorrect. We honor a 90 day refund policy.

06 Jan


Originally posted by chozzington

Nice try Steven



Roughly 20% of our dungeons will be instanced as it is currently planned. And even most open world dungeons are designed with lots of space and different quality exp/farm rooms. I solo farmed library 3rd lvl as a thaumaturge and pocket dual boxed healer. Was fun

05 Jan


Originally posted by BornToBeFin3

Jolan tru

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Shaka, when the walls fell.


You may have this day! I could have sworn I turned my client off. Was making dinner and watching some Star Trek 🖖

02 Jan


Do not purchase, if you expect to play a game or desire an early access experience. As is littered across our site and updates, we are in alpha testing. Which means we aren’t quite yet a game. Lots of work left. If testing isn’t what you want to do, it’s best to come back later and closer to release.


Originally posted by terenn_nash

He’s a lot more resilient than I would be. I wish the team the best of luck at pulling through this wave too.

Steven can vent his frustrations by logging in to AoC and playing god.

the other day he dropped a dragon right outside halcyon. just a field of corpses

That may have happened.


Originally posted by PaleontologistSlow66

And what changed in the specific example of the Desert biome Steven? Did someone open Unreal Editor, load up the entire Desert biome, select all and press delete?

I will repeat what I posted on the reddit, Many times in zone development before level designers have an opportunity to define the playable space layout, and the placement of POIs, node corks and connections to other zone, our environment team after having completed creating the biomes assets, will do a blockout of a zone using these assets. This is done to evaluate internally the aesthetic of that zone and determine if additional pieces of foliage or terrain are required in order to hit our visual intent for the biome. If you go into A2 currently, you will find those foliage assets, ground textures, cliff sides, etc that were in the desert biome PREVIEW update. The zone is now in a more destructive state because we have just recently laid out a portion of the level designs and made space for the nodes, and POIs. This is part of development. It is a normal part of it. The desert will start to come in focus this January when the world team finishes its level design blockout.


Originally posted by MitsukiRush

As someone who is watching the game develop from the sidelines while I focus on finishing uni before phase 3 drops, so I can start playing, I want to thank you for taking the time to cultivate the community in a positive way. It's so refreshing to see toxicity not being pushed under the rug and ignored. And thank you to the entire development team, the amount of hard work that gets done on the game is exciting to see. I also really appreciate the more detailed explanations and showcases during development, for example - i never imagined setting up server workers across the entire map each resposible for its own zone and the players inside, and also the un-textured dragon was cool to see, to learn a bit more what it takes to make certain things function. ❤️



Originally posted by ZeroZelath

If you're passing concept zones off as real work when it's not indicative of what is *exactly* going into the game (Desert biome is a GOOD example of this) then the negativity is justified and it's your own fault at that point for misleading your paying supporters and it calls in question all the other showcases you had shown off so far just like that MMO kickstarter that got sued.

If that area does exist then you should add it to the game to prove that. Otherwise, I think future showcases should make it abandantly clear what is and what is not actually going in the game. Of course stuff changes in game dev, we all understand that, but making fake showcases for something you don't intend on putting into the game is not okay and never will be. That's not "open devlopment" as you call it.

“If you’re passing concept zones off as…”

We aren’t. We are showing updates to the game as they are developed. Then we explain repeatedly that we are in active development, and things may/will change.


Originally posted by TalkingSeaOtter

It's very much a intersection of both in-complete experience fatigue and Early Access disillusionment.

We're living at the (hopefully) tail end of a period in where companies gain the ability to patch games after release and as such, began shipping incomplete/buggy experiences to get games out the door at a lower cost, since less internal testing was required.

Around the same time, Marketing teams at said companies began realizing that consumers would pay extra to play a game even just a few weeks early, so they start throwing around "Alpha" and "Beta" in their marketing outside of what those terms meant in a development context. Consumers began expecting these terms to essentially be stand-ins for Early Access or Head Start weekends.

Now, we have a developer actually using the terms correctly and a bunch of players are losing their shit because Marketing Teams have conditioned to expectations to be out of line with what those terms mean. Those with actual...

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Ty brother


Originally posted by Yawanoc

Seems like every game I play has this issue: passionate devs forced to distance themselves from their communities after bad actors take it too far.

Recently WoW Classic had Aggrend who used to be very active on social media and had a lot of great discussions with players, before certain people started pushing their luck and harassing him on vacation.

Steven’s been good at pushing through this in the past.  He’s a lot more resilient than I would be.  I wish the team the best of luck at pulling through this wave too.

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Originally posted by luhelld

Doesn't change anything, that you mislead everyone knowingly. You knew it generates hype over things that are not real, at least not yet.

Everything shown in our updates is 100% real code and assets that we have made that exists in our project and is actively undergoing continued development.


Originally posted by Adlehyde

I will say as another developer, we also have tried to have a better dialogue with our community, but often times, some people can just be flat out rude and disrespectful, but insist they're just passionate or say things like, "I'm only saying this because I care," but all it does is demoralize developers and make them less inclined to communicate.

I praise your steadfast approach and ability to stay the course with communicating so transparently. It is not easy to maintain.



Originally posted by MarionberryOk4055

I have a question, if all of the show cases are intended to be in the game, why after 2 more years of development after the live streams is the desert still empty? In addition what is happening with the character creator that was suppose to be available in November, the characters still look horrendous and the races are all the same just a copy and paste of the Kaelar???

Please read my post for the answer to your desert question.

We are continuing to release changes to update the characters and our character creator.


Originally posted by luhelld

It's not transparent to show videos for two years and then drop out of nothing when it's playable "surpriseee that was just a showcase, not our actual progress"

As I have repeatedly said, alpha two should not be referred to as a “playable“ game, as you said in your comment. It is a test environment for our project that is still in active development. Features and content you see during our development updates are not yet complete. They are works in progress. That means many systems that are required to accompany those features before they can be tested by thousands of live players, are still being developed.


Originally posted by MarionberryOk4055

Then how is it not possible that it has not been implemented into the game if these showcases are 3 years old

Depending on the feature we are discussing here, there can be many other systems that must be connected to a particular feature that we preview in our monthly development updates.

01 Jan


Originally posted by Hurtmeii

But the thing is that a normal member can't know that. There could have been 50 negative posts trashing the game (without resorting to baseless insults and breaking the "be respectful" rule) that got removed by you or people directly affiliated with the studio, and we wouldn't know. It's like the leader of a country governing the press, sure they can say they don't use their power to control it, but how would the average citizen know whether or not they actually do? And why give themselves the power to do so if they weren't gonna use it? Just leave it to the public.

Luckily there are sites that members can use to discover if posts are being removed or deleted. There are also unofficial Reddit communities for Ashes of Creation that people can use if they feel this community is censoring people, which we are not.

I get the concern, it is born from legitimate experiences. But we are not that. And we’ve helped foster that truth in this community for the last 7 years. Which is in part why we are one of the larger active game development subreddits.


Thor's point here is very important. Many publishers and developers are watching Ashes' development and taking notes about the community's reception of a transparent process. When I am at GDC or DICE and other game directors and executives come to speak with me about our development, there is often a moment of hesitancy in their voices about the transparent approach. Because it is all too easy to misunderstand the process, and an inability to see the vision come together at different points in the products development. It is difficult sometimes within certain teams to achieve this even internally among developers, let alone in the eyes of the consumer. There is a real fear of community backlash in showing a feature or piece of content that may be reworked, and then get flailed for doing so...

There is an opportunity to help change that in the industry right now with many projects taking a more open approach, but it involves some investment not just on the developers end bu...

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