Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

01 Jan


Originally posted by El_Fuego

You guys could literally drop the whole repository for the project into the communities lap, explain line by line why something isn’t feature complete, and we’d still get folks calling you liars. That’s the thing with complex systems, most people could not even begin to interpret the actual explanation.

What you’re doing Stephen is a hard road, of which I’m sure you know. Adding direct communication to folks who (likely) have never made a pull request is truly a measure in extreme patience.

I hope you all the best on this journey. I’m currently enjoying testing and bug reporting with good people.



Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

Hi again Steven, I looked it up and went through wiki and discord to back up my points

October 20th (before P1 dropped) and your words were: "It will absolutely be in by phase two. But it will likely not be online (at the start of P1). The first weekend or probably even the second weekend."

November 2nd on discord: "When we turn on dynamic gridding hopefully soon, the worker limit will be less of an issue. For now, try not being on workers with heavier loads." For some reason you used the word "soon" and I dont get why when by that time it must have been already pushed far far back.

Is this clear enough communication in your opinion?

This is a good example of how some may mistake a lack of transparency with a work in progress development. I still expect the dynamic gridding to land before the end of P2, as you found in my answer on October 20th. That is what our current development schedule shows. So in your quote from Oct 20th, you could have surmised that the feature is being worked on and I don't have an exact date.

In the comment on November, yes it is "soon". Soon implies there that this feature will be online during the next phase.

Yes, in my opinion that is clear enough communication. And is quite literally, as clear of communication as possible for a feature still actively undergoing hardening.


Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

Ok awesome. I would love to know why isnt dynamic gridding in the game yet (or even talked about) when we were told that its in game, is getting optimized and is on its way to be in game by the time PHASE 1 starts?

Dynamic gridding is currently in our Engine branch (this is a branch that lives beneath Dev, QA, Stage, and Prod) of the project. It is still in the hardening phase which means the primary architecture and code for the feature is complete, and it is now undergoing testing. When it is ready, it will be promoted up to Dev.

I provided communication leading up to Phase 1 and 2, that we had to push back the rollout of Dynamic gridding due to our focuses shifting to address higher issues with performance and stability. This is normal for agile software development.

A lot of times the questions you want answers to are likely somewhere, but hard to find. I suggest using discord or the Wiki to help find these answers. This can sometimes be a byproduct of "too much" communication.


Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

You claim to be super transparent but we literally have no idea why things happen in the background and your explanation is always "thats just how game dev is" lol

I try to spend time each month answering questions on our dev livestreams, in content creator interviews and on reddit/discord... If there is some question you feel you don't have a good understanding of, you can ask away.


Originally posted by Backstabber09

Game director commenting on a creator’s YouTube cuz he was negative is wild behavior tho so do better.

In my experience as a player, I always hoped game development would reach a point where the developers WOULD be directly involved in the community, with open communication and transparency. This is how I have chosen to run Ashes' development, and I have been open about that. If it isn't to your liking, then once again it is possible that this may not be the product for you.


Originally posted by zulako17

You guys do point to "open development" but then do completely dishonest actions like put trailers or " game footage" in the monthly update that we find out months later was conceptual and not actual in game systems.

The updates we show with in-game footage, is not conceptual. Feature development works in these 3 phases, Functional -> Testable -> Playable. Our showcases are always real code, in the real game, and at real times..


I will share the comment here, that I made on Narc’s video. I will add, that Narc is his own person... not beholden to me, or you, or anyone in any community. While you or I or anyone may not always see eye to eye on a particular issue or opinion, it is important to remain respectful and constructive when speaking to each other on platforms managed by Intrepid and our moderator team. I am sad to see Narc’s take on Ashes, the claims he makes against myself and the team. It is unfounded, false and defamatory.


Narc I am happy to see that you are going to be taking some time away from our development. I think that your choice can help a lot of other people who share the same discontent you do about the process. As I have said time and time again, this journey will not be for everyone. There is a lot of complexity that goes into game development, take that complexity and multiply it by 10 when making an MMO... even more so when making one like Ashes. There will be...

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Originally posted by Thisisnotpreston

It’s kinda weird that Steven somehow became a mod of this sub reddit and now has the power to lock threads and ban people from the sub. It kinda makes me feel like I can’t truly express how I feel about the game or provide constructive criticism in fear of being banned.

As long as you or any member of this subreddit are abiding by the rules, there is no reason to feel like you cannot express how you feel about the game. Our forums, discord and reddit are riddled with constructive criticisms about Ashes currently, and historically. Anyone who has been banned from this reddit or our forums/discord have been banned due to extreme comments that violate our "please be respectful of others" rule. If you have an example where that is not the case, you can bring it up in the open and I am happy to inspect the example publically.


Originally posted by Noname_FTW

u/JuliusMagni the OG Mod isn't even seemingly on the team anymore. Sad to see even if they went out of their own volition.

Posts only get locked if a large portion of the comments are breaking the subreddits rules of being respectful to each other. If you feel a thread has been locked without good cause, feel free to message a mod about it. You haven’t been vindicated…this isn’t the witch hunt you want it to be. Please touch grass.

29 Dec


We have deployed a fix for this issue. If you were experiencing trouble this morning with a fresh install or patch update, you may now try using repair to fix.


Originally posted by Busy-Ad-614

Mine doesn't give me the error, it stops at 10% and then it sits there for a bit, then restarts the download, does it all over again. Was super excited to get the alpha, and play this weekend but haven't been able to :(

Please try repair now, and let me know how it goes


Investigating this issue. Please standby. Will update shortly.

27 Dec


It is something we have planned. But as you pointed out, is not scheduled for implementation until late into p3


Originally posted by Smiles-Bite

The amount of people using freeholds to exploit is crazy.

Please message me any known reproduction steps for a freehold exploit.


This is a polish item that will come later in p3


Originally posted by Tiberius-2068

Thank you for your response. However, it doesn’t fully address the other concerns I raised in my post. Could you elaborate on XP debt, player versus player interactions involving high-level players, player loot drops, and how the current state of testing reflects a balance between risk and reward?

The death penalty system, like all other systems will be tuned based on observation, player feedback and hard data. The crux of your experience, I would surmise, is delegated to higher level players training mobs. This will be addressed with some outstanding feature work on the AI hate generation code. As for the concept of exp debt as a whole, this is conceptually the bite of failure. The risk side of risk vs reward. It doesn’t feel good, and it isn’t supposed to. While we may tune the values or address unintended player activity around it, the concept of “death penalties” are a core tenant.


The mob pulling is currently missing a key feature which disables non-group affiliated hate generation from the target after the mob is pulled a certain distance before its leash range. This is something the NPC engineering team will be working on once they are back from break.


The mob pulling is currently missing a key feature which disables non-group affiliated hate generation from the target after the mob is pulled a certain distance before its leash range. This is something the NPC engineering team will be working on once they are back from break.

25 Dec


I think it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that Alpha Two will be a long process, and over time the systems and content will be released, sometimes those releases will feel scuffed and incomplete, because quite frankly they are. And to be honest, it will not be a process that is for everyone. It will cause frustration at times, and perseverance to test. This is why I have consistently beat the drums of not participating if you are expecting to “play” a game.

There is a reason why the large majority of developers and publishers do not expose these phases of game development to the public. Software development, and particularly game development is long and arduous. You can take 3 steps forward, and 2 steps back at times.

This is particularly true the more complex the game is. And Ashes has many complex systems that must interact with each other. So sometimes when one piece of code or tech gets touched it can have wide ranging consequences.

The project has ...

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24 Dec


I’d like to remind everyone to remain constructive and respectful in the comments. I understand passions can swirl, but the sub is intended to provide an enjoyable platform for healthy communication.