Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

17 Sep

16 Sep

15 Sep


Originally posted by Plix_fs

Raids will be available close to a node.
I remember Steven say something along the lines of "if you are done with the raids/instances in an area, you need to destroy the city by attacking it, then you can develop a node in another area to get access to other content".

Far from word by word, just pulling out from my memory.

Indeed, the power to reshape the landscape and bring new challenges to light will be at your fingertips!


Originally posted by MithrilWarhammers

It will be glorious. Player driven content, the rise and fall of player created node cities, will leave us all with legendary memories. The story lines created by players always are superior to any scripted pve encounter in an mmo.

Here's to many glorious adventures, friend! ๐Ÿป


Originally posted by OrganizationOk8700

A coliseum where players could sign up and fight 1v1 / 2v2 / whatever. Other people there could watch the fights in real time and throw tomatoes and stuff at teams they dislike. You would be able to gamble and place bets on matches. There would be a leader board for the best teams, win/loss statistics, scheduled matches, and stuff like that.

Eventually an influential team intentionally throws a big match and creates forum drama for me to read. That's my dream.

We'll bring the popcorn ๐Ÿฟ

Sounds like something the arena system might play into, especially if spectators were involved!

14 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glorious Ashes community - we're excited to continue our new series called Guild Gatherings! Guild Gathering topics are a "reverse Q&A" similar to our Dev Discussions, where we ask you about your thoughts on everything related to guilds.

Our team has compiled a list of questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding guild tools, gameplay, your previous experiences, and more. Join in on our Guild Gatherings and share how your gaming family is special to you!

Guild Gathering #8 - App Integrations
If you had a phone app that integrated with your guild, what sorts of things would you want from it or be useful?

Keep an eye out for our next Guild Gathering topic regarding management tools!

Hi again friends! Thank y... Read more

13 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nice try Intrepid Spy ;) but no really.

A giant octopus that can javeline you off the ship with a tentacle and pull you into the watery depths to drown while paralyzing and poisoning you is pretty high up there.

An angry storm cloud that can change shapes to use different class abilities on top of its lightning based magic. Ignores hard cc unless it's solidified for an ability.

Oh wow. Not picking favorites or anything here but I really like these lol. I'd love to see monsters that will threaten my ships during naval activities!
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've always enjoyed game modes like Gears of War's "Horde" mode, where you have to defend from increasingly difficult waves of bad guys. I enjoy testing my abilities with the ramp up of difficulty, and if the game is made well, you have to work together with your teammates when it gets really difficult.

I could totally see this being fun! The follow up question I would have to this and the topic would be - Would there need to be progression or rewards tied to it or could it simply just be for fun? If you look at a game like Left 4 Dead, there isn't much progression other than skill. Would your average MMO player let that fly or would they expect progression elements and rewards since it's an MMORPG. Very interesting! :)

Originally posted by latisullivan

It's a niche thing, but I agree! I remember having a BEAUTIFUL braided hairstyle on my Mara in swtor and... it clipped when not running, so it was f**ked.

Also disappointed now with my new armor in BDO. Clipped. (And also the horse riding sucks it's always the same pose and most games have the capes or clothes clip through horses).

I don't want ultra realism, but I do like "visual details" that make it better.

This would be great feedback to share with us regarding character creation as well, since it sounds like getting a preview of what your character's hair looks like in different types of armor and different animations would be helpful!


Originally posted by DeaDBangeR

I would love to have giants in Ashes. Dragons are cool and all, but giants would diversify the game for bossfights.

How giant should these giants be? ๐Ÿค”

So far we've seen some bigger boys like our spooky friend Jermaine, Sorrow's Hunger, and a few different versions of ...

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Originally posted by ukulisti

Yo mama

We thought the Brood Queen looked familiar ๐Ÿ˜œ


Originally posted by voxov

Thanks! The character is being used for my webcomic Antics of Creation, and action poses are more fun to draw, even for mages who might not need them. So, I wanted to make her kind of lunge and power up (maybe influenced by Dragonball Z "kamehameha" kind of pose, not intentionally, but quite possible).

This particular animation isn't planned for a panel in the comic, but I'd love to experiment with overlaying animated characters into the panels.

This must be why it's so important to stretch and warm up before you take to the battlefield! ;)

Amazing job on the animation, and we can't wait to see what you create next!


Thank you all so so SO much for taking the time to share all your kind, heartfelt words with us <3 it means the world to our team to see all of the passion around Ashes of Creation!

We love the doodles too! So far our team's favorites seem to be "sizzling good" and "flip floppin' awesome" - but we also have a soft spot for Roger the Rock ;)


This is so SO SO so GLORIOUS! Our Intrepid Fam is really thankful for the wonderful messages you all sent us.

Lots of happy tears going down.


12 Sep