Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

14 Aug

13 Aug

12 Aug


Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #33 - New Player Experience
What are some of the key elements you think should be introduced to a new player, and how much โ€œhand-holdingโ€ do you generally like to see in a game?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding character creation!


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11 Aug

10 Aug

09 Aug

Greetings again my friends - thank you all so much for joining in and sharing your thoughts on internal conflict as it relates to your guild! I'm writing up a recap for our team with your feedback now, but please feel free to keep leaving us notes here in the meantime <3

07 Aug


How can I download the game??? I've just purchased the 500$ package. I've got no instructions how and where to download. Well, i m not happy about my purchase. Cannot find a link for to download the alpha build. I'be followed your link categories/alpha-one-testing, but i got Problem acces message. Pls, make the processus more friendly user. It s a headeache actually. 30 minutes i m searching and still cannot download.

Please follow Steps 1-5 here!

We love this vibe! Thanks for the unique update video!


Originally posted by Charlie_ForceField

Anyone want to confirm if "A quiet place" was inspiration for the mini pet because it reminds me of that a lot.

It was actually not the inspo, but I totally see it now that so many folks have mentioned it. Maybe it was in my subconscious. Haha.


We'll definitely have some massive creatures for you to fight. ;)


Great video! Thanks for sharing Scrumpy! =)

06 Aug


Originally posted by ILoveAsianChicks69

If I had a nickel for everytime a new red flag about this game popped up concerning literally anything, money, investing, kickstarter, "beta packages", animations, the game in general, "its coming out in 2021 in a 2018 video", and now refunds

Hell I'd probably have $350 dollars by now

I would just like to note that we do refunds on ALL purchases as long as they meet the criteria in our refund policy.


Originally posted by NiKras

If we got any Ashes historians here, does anyone know when the refund policy got implemented? I remember in the last similar post the OP said that when he bought the game "there wasn't one" (iirc).

Cause, as much as I agree with and understand the frustration, if the policy of the company states "we ain't returning shit after a certain period of time", and you disregard that during your purchase - that's on you.

Now if the bundle was bought before this rule got implemented, then we have a few problems that should definitely be sent through proper legal channels.

Our policy previously was 30 days, and on May 10th, 2021 we changed it to 90 days as noted here.