Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

07 Jul


So there I was, thinking it would be a long time before a new cosmetic set dropped which would compel me to spend some coin...and then you guys drop a duck mount, and duckling pet! :o

And to top it off, some druidic/ranger style armour, and a tree house? Shut up and take my money.

Sorry... hehe. πŸ€—

Is the Crested Sunplume a gliding mount or just land? Also, dies the tree come with the Hilled Hovel? Thanks.

It's a land animal, but can go in the water. (Not a gliding mount.)

Tree does come with the Hilled Hovel.

06 Jul


Hmm, where have I seen that armor before...

oO that is cool!

It was not the inspiration for this costume, but it is really neat looking. It's a bit more sci-fi samurai vibes than the radiant guardian tone we were going for.

Really love the bag and the duck. But...
would love -- no just give me another top hat.

Haha. I'm sure there will be other top hat-like things for ya in the world to attain. πŸ€—

The radiant orb hangs high in the sky once more, surveying all of existence and granting Verra the warmth and succor of its light. The land swells with life as it greets the day, the coming of summer marking a time of great import for those who honor the sun. Many benefit, but none more so than the seemingly endless seas of trees that dot the world.

The Zenith's Advent cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from ... Read more

05 Jul

04 Jul

02 Jul

01 Jul

30 Jun

29 Jun