Hi there!
We use them because we want to showcase things to folks in a quick manner. Otherwise, our live streams would be a couple days long - ain't nobody got time for that, so we use GM commands in order to speed things up.
I can totally understand your perspective. Depending on what we are testing, we avoid using our GM commands.
We do read the Reddit and all other spaces that mention us. It's our job. Welcome to the world of community management where everyone thinks they are a Game Dev. =P Hehe. It's not always sunshine and butterflies, but we are prepared for that - paladin armor at the ready. ;)
Joking aside, it's important to get all perspectives. It doesn't mean we are going to act on all of them though. <3
Combat while being the most important mechanic in the game, is also the least connected. It also requires the most amount of iteration and interaction from testers.
Many of the world systems implemented early require heavy engineering And design focus. While we enter the first alpha, we will be collecting feedback and data on combat implementation and it will undergo several extreme and complete changes in order to nail the right feel/look.
It’s just a process. ❤️