ATLAS Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by Raysix

Hacks: Aimbot with documented oneshots even in building or while diving deep in water

Changing flag building allowance to everyone -edit: Jat personally came to our grid and fixed that. They were able to reset the flags to default, which was everyone-

Area of effect delete boxes inventory. Similar to S+ transfer gun. We found the script, they used.

Enter pinlocked doors seconds after changeing pin

They apear in closed buildings (new patch may solve this)

They teleported one of our ships to their grid. As we spawned there it was moving towards there island on its own while sails were up and anchor down. Video documented.

Yup, please send it all through with as much info/footage as you've got.

Especially interested in the script and boat TPing.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should be fixed in the latest update.

04 Feb

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Roger that, appreciate the info. We'll keep investigating.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you unable to join via the Session Grid?

If you select Join New ATLAS -> Make sure you're on the Official Server Filter -> Join any ol' homeserver and it should automatically connect you to the right one. Also if you've not restarted your Steam client this weekend, I'd recommend doing so and see if that makes a difference

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

The game is designed so that when you join a grid on that server, it'll automatically detect where you should actually be and try to log you onto that server instead.

Could I get a screencap of your precise BattlEye error message?

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

For those of you unable to join, do you get the 'Unable to Query server info for invite' message when you select join? Could you try joining the network you play on via the Session List/Grid instead? You don't need to select the specific grid you were playing, just selecting any of the freeports should be fine and the game should redirect you to the correct one.

03 Feb


Originally posted by Rex-Starborne

Alright, here's the problem:

Every time the server restarts ships are loaded in without levels. As in, my Brig with 5 total points in Accommodations is now the default value of 2. So the server sees 5 Beds on my Brig that can only hold 2. So, it then deletes, at random, 3 Beds. The server continues loading and my ship Accommodations goes back up to 5 and I can place 3 more Beds.

The old Beds still show up at the spawn screen and, because they aren't there, cause the "green-screen spawn" issue. Accommodations, as of right now, are useless beyond reducing crew pay.

Thanks! Will have our guys investigate and see if we can get this sorted asap.