Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

31 May


Originally posted by The_James_Spader

It felt like I could build sandbag fortifications anywhere, I like that, kinda of like playing company of heroes. I like the ability to build more trenches though probably not everywhere due to technical limitations. The scaffolding on the church was very nice, need more of that on conquest. The ramps being built is also very nice and we should be able to build those mostly anywhere. Is that what you are looking for?

Yeah, I guess the answer is just more interesting stuff and in more places. :)


Originally posted by Boolos_Boi

I noticed y'all mentioned Frontlines and Domination for the next Mercury playlists. Was that a mistake or will Frontlines and Domination be in the next playlists?

Not a mistake.


Originally posted by phunkysox

Dice why dont you introduce duos so some of us actually have a reason to play this game. Im fine populating pubg gamemodes but wouldnt mind populating some duo games

I've asked the team to explore bringing it back for a weekend. It's not something thats ever likely to return with a permanent status beyond that.


Originally posted by DevilInside1987

I'm confused. I though Frontlines and Domination have been removed???

Only the permanent playlists for them. We still intend to rotate them in and out to support Tides of War/Offer an alternative playstyle to whatevers in Tides of War.

It's most likely to return in mixed mode/map bundles but as it will appear inconsistently from this point, it prompted the need for us to come back and talk about it.


Originally posted by MrJoeBlow

I'm fine with this. Gonna be playing a lot of Splitgate and Apex in the meantime.

Splitgate looks hella fun. Used to love playing arena shooters. Was a big Elite Force fan :)


Originally posted by DANNYonPC

Any stuff that hasnt leaked yet :p?



Originally posted by Edgelands

One thing that would be cool is a Max rank exclusive camo, like how BF3 had the spec ops black camo... Basically, give us black camo, I want black camo. Black. Give those.

I like this idea - will share with the team.


Originally posted by Starshine95

This looks nice.

I only have two ideas: as someone already said in the comments, it could be interesting to get an exclusive skin (soldier, vehicle or gun) for every promotion. Sure, dog tags are fine and all but maybe a cosmetic would give you a better “sense of pride and accomplishment”, mh? :P

The other thing I’d change is the EOR CC reward. Sure, on your way to 500 it should be disabled as you have other means of obtaining that currency but.. maybe turned back on once you reach max rank? Granted that as of now you don’t really need THAT many CC, but this might change in the future and if you find yourself out of coins it could become a problem.

Maybe change the icons a bit for the later ranks to make them look more “prestigious”? But at this point I’m just nitpicking.

Anyway, looks solid. Can’t wait to see those ranks pop-up again while I play (and no, not the rank 50 at the end of the round screen over and over again).

I have asked this question (around EOR at Max Rank) which is when I was informed about something called Challenge Assignments. Here's the note I had through from one of the Producers.

'Challenge Assignments have been in the game since end of February. They’re the assignments that players receive every time they get a certain amount of score/xp. So they’re different than the proficiency and mastery assignments the players obtain from progression. They’re also infinite so players can keep receiving them and grind CC from them.'

It's something I'll be keeping an eye on. If it proves to be an issue, we'll find a solution :)


Originally posted by Tommyfare

"later part of chapter 4" aka uhmmmm. October? Soon tm

It shouldn't be that late.


Originally posted by Mechatroniik

Really?? Jesus. I trust faith in this community. I take C and I tried to kill enemy tanks in front of C. Do you play in this game??

I have a feeling he does not. Call it a hunch. ;)


Originally posted by Garbear119

-More tickets. Tickets go by so fast that the games are done in 5 minutes if the attackers can't get an objective.

-More cover at spawn in Hamada. Getting mowed down by MMGs and Snipers right at spawn isn't all that fun.

-More routes for attacking or flanking. Everyone has a tendency to try and zerg rush A, which just results in hemorrhaging tickets and no progress being made unless your team is really good or the other team is bad.

  1. I agree. I'm thinking... 50 ish more? 75 maybe?
  2. Yeah, I'll do that.
  3. I'll see what I can do. :)

Originally posted by KingGeo_WTF

Overall I loved it. But I think Hamada needed slightly better design for the attackers flanking options. Either a second option to the left or a bit more environmental protection on the right.

I agree, thanks! :)


Originally posted by byfo1991

I so dig this idea - Fortress (much more heavily reinforced last objective) would be a great addition. But I would actually more prefer it in Grand Ops.

As a replacement of the Conquest Assault that is in the Africa Operation? Would you rather have it be the last sector of a longer Breakthrough layout or just the Fortress part?


Originally posted by bozzeak

I absolutely loved the experience of fortress and really hope it returns! The focus on infantry and the constant, intense fighting really felt like a war. The only things I could suggest is maybe some more possible flanking routes? For most of my games, on the winning or losing side, if the defenders are good the entire match is just the attackers running up the same path and getting mowed down, especially on the devastation map..I know there are flanking paths already but they seem hard to access at points and the boundaries on the map are very restrictive..and also, as other people have noted, maybe a slight increase in tickets to make it last a bit more?

I'll see what I can do about flanking - I am careful not go too far with that. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Billxgates

Absolutely loved this mode and would love to see more of it. Having to build up and defend a static location like this really had that WW2 feeling for me. It reminded me of reading about the stories such as Hill 400 and fort style pushes.

Would love to see something like the assault of Castle Itter.

I enjoyed having planes and tanks available on Hamada. I really thought that they were manageable from a defense standpoint but I accept that maybe an extra AA spot wouldn’t hurt for the defenders.

I really can’t wait to see what comes next if you choose to develop this mode more in the future.

Thank you for your post! :) I'll have to google some of the references you said - I recognize Itter but not Hill 400 I think... hmm..


Originally posted by LoZz27

  1. Fantasy = I'd say it didn't feel like that. I think the problem is that it was the same maps with some extra sandbags and it was hard to see past that. I think if the fortifications were done to a bit more of an "overkill" with even more steps/barriers/wire etc it would help. Less fixed weapon in-placements. more barriers that the attacks need to blow up.
  2. The small scale, large player base around very clear attack/defending roles i really liked. I think devastation was the far better map then hamada. I think it works better in an environment with more cover, hamada was to open for the attackers. Lots of cover for both on devastation made it work
  3. Hamada didn't work. the attacks should never have spawned infront of of fix gun in placements. The attackers did not have enough cover to get to the A flag and the cliff was again to much of a hindrance
  4. as a side note. no aircraft. the bombers ruined it for both sides imho. A tank for the attackers works a...
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  1. Thanks for sharing! I'll see what I can do.
  2. Nice! A lot of my time was spent just trying to do that - give people very clear roles. I'm very happy that you thought it worked. :)
  3. I agree - I'll take a look at what I can do with the attacker situation - overall I think its clear that the balance is a bit off and that resulted in quite some frustration.
  4. None at all? A single aircraft for attackers and more AA for defenders, would that be OK?
  5. Agreed!
  6. Thanks for your post!

Originally posted by breaktimehero

Just to start out u/legmek amazing job on the game type! When I played this mode I actually enjoyed it the most out of any game mode so far! clear front lines had been established (really gave that battle immersion I was looking for) and it really took a good amount of team work to push the defenders back! I know many have said it's a defenders dream but smoke and arty really do work on the entrenched defenders as long as you coordinate well! At least with my buddies that I play with if you get one communicating squad in the lines things start to unravel for the defenders. Hamada had an almost D-Day feel to it and I absolutely loved it!

Fortress Positives:

  • Gave a front line combat immersion (the calm before the storm feeling in most WWII movies at the start)
    • Saving Private Ryan (D-day scene and bridge defense at Ramelle)
    • Enemy at the Gates ( Red Square opening scene)
    • Battle of the Bulge (Ge...
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Thank you for an extremely informative, well-written and interesting post! :)

I'll see if I can add some more AT guns, trenches and fox holes - and increasing the ticket counts by a small bump sounds like a pretty good idea too!

I'd love if I could do stuff like give defenders a time in the beginning to do that - if we were to expand the mode, things like that would be super cool to do. :)

Extra double thanks for the inspiring list of places that could be used! :)


Originally posted by zVulture

Hamada was the map I ended up on the two games I played. Both were overwhelmingly one-sided to the defenders. Just straight up frustrating for the attacking side and quite boring for the defending side. It was the reason I didn't play the game mode after getting my first weekly done. So take all this with a grain of salt from low play numbers but hopefully helps in further design on maps.

The height difference gave an advantage to the defenders in that they became hard to hit while attackers needed to go out in the open in choke points to advance. Even with smoke grenades the MMG fire and explosives were spammed in those areas picking off attackers.

The weakness here isn't the height specifically, if anything that can make for an interesting attack (attacking a castle). The issue comes in the vectors for attack instead due to the choke points and the out of bounds zoning. As well as the volume of re-supply points available to the defenders.

One of the...

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Hamada was the map I ended up on the two games I played. Both were overwhelmingly one-sided to the defenders.

I hear you! I'll see what can be done about the balance. :)

So take all this with a grain of salt from low play numbers but hopefully helps in further design on maps.

It does! I really appreciate you taking the time to write, even more when it wasn't a good experience! That's what I need to be able to improve stuff.

One of the main mechanics I can see working to fix this is Building. There was close to no building that could be done to help give more cover on the advance.

Some people suggested trenches and foxholes, and that is a really cool idea. I will see what I can do about that!

This brings in a second issue with the high availability of full supply stations from the defenders

Good point, I'll take...

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Originally posted by JackStillAlive

It is very badly balanced on Hamada, that is for sure. Played many matches, and I am yet to win as the attackers on Hamada, it is too easy to defend. Most of the time, Attackers manage to capture A, rarely B too, but they always run out of tickets before capturing the third flag, while defending the other 2.

I think Fortress on Hamada would need 2 changes:

  • Increased tickets for attackers(250-300)

  • Make it 2 stage. Stage 1 is capturing A, after that, defenders will need to fall back(before timer runs out), and then in Stage 2 the attackers will need to capture B and C. If attackers run out of tickets during Stage 2, they can fall back to A, and get 5 minutes to defend it from the defenders(now sorta playing attackers), if they defend it, they get another try at capturing B and C with very limited amount of tickets(50-100 at max), if they fail, the Defenders win the match.

I think going for a mix of more fortifications (like trenches and stuff), fewer planes, more indestructible covers on A, slightly increased ticket counts and more cover for attackers when they spawn + move will improve the balance quite a bit.

I'd rather try to make A easier to take and hold for attackers than make it two sectors - I really like that defenders have the option to go and take back A - it just simply happens too often and is too easy.


Originally posted by lameo_handayes

Wow thanks for your reply. I’ve though about it and the ones I think would work are

*The church, it has a nice surrounding area that can be used for fortifications. There could possibly be an added structure next to it just for this game mode so it’s bigger. Could possibly include some of the town.

*Objective D - this one works great with the last phase on normal breakthrough. It’s slightly raised so it’s good for defending and there’s a few large structures that can be used for capture points.

Yeah, I could see the D flag place working, though, wouldn't that be quite similar to the end of the 64 player Rush setup that is a part of the Hannut Grand Operation?

I tried some stuff briefly on Arras but the amount of places to hide and the sheer amount of options in the village just made it kind of fall apart. When there's too many options, the defenders can't reliably guess where the attackers are coming from and it all kind of falls apart.