Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

31 May


Originally posted by TheLastStark2019

Some of the flanking opportunities from modes like conquest were blocked off ( side entrances to the cathedral ) and the large wooden doors on Hamada

Ah, I see. I might do something about that door on Hamada, but the side of the Cathedral is closed for (I think) a good reason. :)

If there's too many entrances it just suddenly becomes very hard to defend - it has to be enough so that most of them are watched by somebody on the defender side at all times. I want the successful push through an entrance to be a happy exception that an attacker worked for rather than a consistent reliable occurrence.

If that makes any sense.


Originally posted by PSGUNITED

It's ok :)



Originally posted by TheJackFroster

Do you feel like a reason people get so angry about features like more ranks not being added until now is somewhat due to the lack of 'technical aspects' that is shared with the community? I sure do. Even though I am pretty average when it comes to understanding computers and game development I'm sure there is a way to explain to people why things they feel are simple fixes aren't simple.

It could be and I'm going to work with the team to find ways to have those conversations. Likely interactive (possibly a stream) as the more we drill down into this type of stuff, the more we're conscious that it appeals to a smaller audience and so we'd want to make it so that we could get the answers to the questions you have in real time vs spending hours and hours either crafting the most detailed message, or trying to do back and forths somewhere here like Reddit.

It's not a case of 'You wouldn't understand' it's just managing our time as best as possible so that when we do something, the benefit is balanced by the number of people who we know will want that info.


Originally posted by Skruddy

I'm curious, is this progression expansion still heavily WIP? I've already got some feedback for you guys if it's not too late;

  • Icons are a bit underwhelming and I'm seeing a lack of the distinctive shitbucket General 140 Stars and just general flamboyant flair. I take it that the icons are still heavily WIP?
  • Any plans to extend this expansion towards the vehicles/weapons? It would be neat to show off to people my poor life decisions by being a level 400 Tiger tank commander.
  • More lucrative rewards for promotions perhaps? While the lack of things to spend CC on is a separate issue in itself, I would be more enticed to grind my ass off if it meant that I'll get a neat camo or even just an Uncommon or Rare cosmetic. These things would also be another neat way to show off to other people on how much time you've spent on the game beyond the scoreboard and killcam.

While the wait is obviously the worst part, some of the things you guys have...

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It's being built, but it's not to say the feedback isn't wanted. I'll send this through to the team next week when they're back in the office.


Joke seems familiar to me...hmmm?



Originally posted by DRUNKKZ3

It's on.

like Donkey Kong.


Originally posted by itsthechizyeah

Well it's a start, but when will it be implemented? 6 months from now?

During Chapter 4. The exact date isn't locked yet, so to be as fair as possible, I wanted to make sure that people understood that it's not presently expected to be in the update that starts Chapter 4.

I'll be back (hopefully) with a firmer update at the end of June


Originally posted by JohnFoursquare

Is EOR company coin turning off for everyone? Cause if so that kinda blows.

Only when the update that activates this feature releases.


Originally posted by thegreatvortigaunt

Weapon? No.

Cosmetic only? Sure.

Regarding the Weapon Aspect, that's our feeling too. None of us are comfortable with the idea of Weapons being out of reach. If it affects gameplay it should be accessible.


Originally posted by Woo-Lox

Why will we still have to wait so long?

I don't know the technical aspects of it, but I would volunteer that it's not as simple as just writing new ranks in to bolt them on the end of what we have. We originally built a system that went to 50, with a belief that folks would be happy with the additional levelling offered via Tides of War.

We've heard the feedback that says you'd also prefer your main rank kept going, so we've looked at what we can do to pull the system apart and put an entirely new one in it's place. Soon as we're confident it works, it'll go into the game.


Originally posted by Basillis32

Hope we can see some good things and even some surprises at EA play..

You will :)


Originally posted by chris177uk

Question... will the time & XP we’ve earnt since lvl 50 be rewarded when this goes live... or does everyone start at 50?

Fresh start from 50.


Originally posted by des0xyn

500!?? Grind time!

Edit: Later half of Chapter 4 :(

We should be in a good place to nail down the date by end of June. Soon as we know exactly what update it's going into, we'll say.


Originally posted by Verlux88

Will players with a particularly large amount of hours played receive any level ups off the bat or will they just go forward from 50 to 51 etc.?

Everyones starting on the same field.


Before we get into the weekend, I also wanted to give you a heads up on next weeks rotation.

The present Mecury only playlist (Mercury Only, Conquest and Breakthrough) will be switched out.

In it's place, a Mercury only playlist with smaller modes (Frontlines, Domination, and Team Deathmatch).

We'll look to communicate this type of stuff more with you going forwards.


Community Broadcast - Introducing Promotions

Afternoon folks -

One of the standout pieces of feedback that we’ve received over the past six months has been that you want the ability to keep levelling your Career Rank beyond 50. So during the later part of Chapter 4: Defying the Odds, we’re upping the cap to let you progress all the way to Career Rank 500.

Note: This post is numbers heavy! Don’t be shy to ask questions in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer. We're in active development of the feature now and so take the below as a first look at the work that we've done so far.


For every 50 ranks that you gain, you’ll earn a Promotion, signi...

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Originally posted by TheLastStark2019

Played 17 minutes of fortress and will never play it again . Glad it’s gone . Mmg campfest . Limited flanking opportunities because of pre made fortifications that can’t be blown up or taken down . Hamada I spawned in and was sniped by the 6 pounder in my own spawn . The added fortifications were cool like the wooden bridge connecting the ruins up top as well as the fortress down where f flag is in conquest . End of the day it was something new but nothing I’ll miss . Maps over game modes , not sure why that’s hard to grasp at dice

Thanks a lot for commenting even though you didn't like it, it means a lot! :)

Pre-made fortifications that can't be taken down? What do you mean? That sounds like a bug. I'll see what I can do about the starting area for the attackers.

Rest of it is valid, I think. Thanks!


Originally posted by chrisking345

Would you think about moving the tank spawn further back? With it appearing first with the bulk of the attackers, it usually was met with immediate destruction. If the tank spawns further back, that allows the attacking infantry more time to push up and establish a foothold for the tank to be able to help its team when it arrives

I'll take a look at that, thanks for the suggestion!