Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by needfx

I see, thanks for the reply!

I'd love it if you could show us and explain us how the maps evolve during their production times according to whatever you want to do with them and players feedback. I guess it won't be possible with BFV, but if you could do it even for older iconic maps like BF3 or BF4, that would be great. I'm really curious about game dev, but also because... well, it's just super interesting to see how things are done and that may even help people understanding your choices or maybe deal with their expectations somehow.

We can always do that if we find the time, but honestly the biggest problem is that we don't really take screenshots or WIP pictures that regularly. The process is very fluid. We build something, test it inhouse, adjust it and repeat until it's finished.

A while back we posted some WIP and behind the scenes material on the DICE twitter. You can scroll through the media posts. There are a lot of stories from all kinds of Battlefields:

Here is an example:


Originally posted by needfx

I'm curious: do you mean that the first iterations of Panzerstorm were different from the one you released? How different was it before you took early feedback in account?

Sorry, adjusted that. I meant the Operation and the focus of that. Having that said tho Panzerstorm as every other map went through many iterations. I only got involved with the map after the initial release and worked on the adjustments we released with the patch, but I remember seeing a version of Panzerstorm where the church was where the E point is. I can't tell tho why it changed since I didn't work on the map back then.


Originally posted by Hysterecles

We had this conversation already 2 months ago, and you never responded after my reply. From what I've read on here, that's not uncommon from you though. No accrual of company coins since December. Cant upgrade vehicles, kits, anything.

Daily coins were all I got before I said screw this after getting killed repeatedly by players who were able to fully upgrade kits, then pay to get coins was introduced and that was the final straw. I feel it was never planned to back pay players the coins owed, just decided they could pay for coins now.

The only way the link you provided will help me and others at this point is if it takes me to a site for a refund. Persistent gaming or not, the amount of issues EA releases games with is mind boggling.

You're in the business of experiences, and you're royally screwing the pooch for a good portion of your consumer base in this department. Maybe instead of fixing the game you need to fix yourselves.

The Company Coin accrual issue was fixed months ago. Now, if you have contacted an advisor, provide me the case number as I don’t know your exact account information. If there’s a specific issue with your account, I’d escalate it to our QA dev team.


I think the answer to that question is rather simple. Early on we decided on how many conflicts we can create in the time given. As you can imagine WW2 had many different battles and we could only reflect few of them. We picked the ones that we felt portrait best what we wanted this game to be. Since resources are also finite we had to be smart about it. Singleplayer and Multiplayer had to share similar biomes and theaters.

I also wouldn't be too focused on those statements. Not that it's not true, but I think Panzerstorm and the Battle of Hannut (chronological before Twisted Steel and Arras) has shown that we can adjust to the wants and needs of the community. Parts of the Panzerstorm Operation are the consequence of early feedback that the vanilla map offering had to few "massive" battles. :)


Finally someone noticed! This was done purposely. Whats Freddie Mercury without being able to zoom in as far as possible and still see all the glorious detail

ps. It doesnt affect load times, unless cache has been recently cleared.


What is it that makes me feel like getting hit by an arrow is more nasty than getting hit by a bullet? That thing there looks like it would hurt a lot!


Originally posted by AnInvisibleApe


I experience it the most in firestorm. Feels like its nearly 50% of the time on the first attempt you'll fall thru. Then next attempt seems to always work though

Can you record a video of it?


Originally posted by KnotVeryKnife

Serious question. if I may ask, what do you guys at DICE actually do with the surveys we all fill out? I doubt that every fill-in answer is looked at? Would be nice to know: 1) Do you look at the data? 2) What does the data from the surveys show? 3) What do you plan to do with that data? As in, do our responses—if a majority is seen—have an impact.

Yes. It shows what you guys like, what you feel we need to work on, and the state of the game. Yes, they have an impact.


Originally posted by BraveHobbit

Hey u/Braddock512, it's me again, the one who wants to customise his pilot and tank crew. Any news?

No, unfortunately. When I have some news, I’ll definitely share it.

03 Jun


This week is extremely exciting, as we have a lot of awesome things to share and we'll be live in Hollywood, California this weekend for EA PLAY!

While this is an overview of the planned content and announcements for the week, please be aware some things may shift/move. Be sure to stay up-to-date by checking back here daily as we'll update this as things are...

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Originally posted by DecentPlate

Is it possible to do the shuffled playlist but with the voting mechanic like in bf1 to vote for a map out of two choices? Also you guys are awesome thank you for all the hard work I love battlefield!

Voting mechanics require dev time to implement. It might well be a very smart solution to the problem but getting that on the table and into the process could take time.

Not opposed to it at all, would just be most interested to solve with something short term whilst that got explored.


Originally posted by twistedjester

Any update on if any other mode is getting a Tides of War Chapter XP cap increase since Frontlines is now going to be a rotational mode? Seems like you made an allusion to something here but you never followed up, unless you were mistakenly talking about promotions when the people you were replying to were explicitly talking about Tides of War XP, not career XP.

I was talking Career Rank, vs. Tides of War Rank - apologies for the confusion.

In regards to Frontlines and Domination being the highest earners for Chapter Rank, I asked the team about this whilst I was in Stockholm last week. Both modes showed as being in the top 3, but Conquest was, and always has been #1 earner for Chapter XP. 4th I think is Breakthrough, which was very close behind Domination.

I've been told not to expect any changes to the earn rates to account for Frontlines and Domination becoming rotational modes. I can only volunteer that the change wasn't done with this as an intended consequence.

The team will monitor week on week average Chapter Rank XP earning and if they observe that it's gone down, we'll consider tweaking things. The present belief is that it won't lead to any negative downturn.

Hello, Battlefield™ V* players, and welcome to this service update.

This is a smaller update that fixes a few high priority issues and adds content for the upcoming Tides of War missions, while we work on the next patch.

You’ll find the full notes below, on the Battlefield Forums, and on ...

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Originally posted by marmite22

Agreed! Sorry if my comment came across as criticism! I was trying to say I like what you are doing! Hopefully there is a patch for the plane sound bug coming soon!

Wasn't taken that way at all. Appreciate the sentiment of the message all the same <3


Originally posted by MANPAD

Is it a technological issue to have that many modes in the game? Or just that it dilutes matchmaking?

I'm just wondering because it seems arbitrary to many people that you'd be removing modes from the game. As in, what's the harm in having it.

It's not a technological limitation, it just doesn't make sense to have x persons spread out waiting behind 20 or so different doors. Our servers only appear in the server browser when enough people are queued (assuming available spots aren't present on existing servers). We no longer just leave empty servers up and waiting for people to join like with Battlefield 1 and previous titles.


Originally posted by mithbroster

Thanks for the response.

I totally see that you guys feel that there are too many modes running parallel to eachother, and I think that’s a valid concern. However, as you recognized, frontlines (and really the 32p objective based modes overall) were the favorites of some of us. Frontlines was the main reason that myself and the group that I play with played the game. We are all finding ourselves much less interested in playing the game now (and this is a group of folks who have been playing BF together since Battlefield 2 and 2142).

Has there been any consideration to running a week or two trial of a playlist that is TDM/Dom/Frontlines/Rush? It could be called ‘small modes playlist’ or something and IMO it would be a good compromise to let all the modes be played all the time without adding additional playlists.

This is presently what we're considering trialling.We're open to the idea of putting all 32 player modes into one playlist, we're just trying to figure out what would work best in terms of rotation.

  • 1 Giant playlist of all 32 Player modes, all maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and it's maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, popular maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, all maps and modes shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, some maps, all shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, popular maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, all maps and modes shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, some maps, all shuffled?