Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by Kenturrac

First and foremost it's a game and fun gameplay is the most important metric. The battle in Rotterdam was tiny, but the transition between from this beautiful city into the devastated version was just very appealing story to tell. Another main reason was the massive requests we got during BF1 for more city maps. The Fall Gelb operation just seemed the perfect place for this. I am sorry if you disagree with our pick, but we are actually super proud of the two maps turned out.

Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far.

I want to clarify my last post " Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far. "
This considers content that has been released so far. As you know, we don't talk about future stuff be it maps, theater, modes, cosmetics, etc unless it's officially announced. So please, never read any of the possible futures in the multiverse into that. :P


Originally posted by kameradhund

mercury came end of may, marita comes end of july... (two months)

wasnt it supposed to be one new map EVERY MONTH from now on?

Interesting, right? I wonder what that means. Perhaps a surprise for June?


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

/u/Kenturrac probably so tired of our shit. Don't shoot the messenger

There are good and bad days. :P

Not sure what /u/tejmin wanted to hear. I see 3 possible options I had:

  1. Ignore the question and don't post here.
  2. Post and lie that I forwarded it.
  3. Forward it and post that I forwarded it.

Really up to everyone up to judge. :)


Originally posted by schmusi345

Thought that you release Outpost on Thursday....

Outpost is currently scheduled for next week.


You are making a reddit post about a reddit post? Some people really are after the karma...


Your post/comment has been removed:

Your post has been removed. Please use our weekly Friend Request Weekend threads for all friend request, looking for group, or looking for server posts. Keep an eye out this Friday for the next one. In addition, you can check out these subreddits r/battlefieldlfg and r/bf1platoons, as well as the Battlefield Discord channel.

If you feel this was a mistake, please contact the moderators by clicking ...

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Originally posted by Braddock512

The Company Coin accrual issue was fixed months ago. Now, if you have contacted an advisor, provide me the case number as I don’t know your exact account information. If there’s a specific issue with your account, I’d escalate it to our QA dev team.

Looking at your comments, it seems you started reaching out a month ago (according to the timestamp on your reddit comments).

For reference, we announced the fix on January 25, 2019 here on Reddit:

If you weren't Max Rank before the issue was resolved, you didn't get back coins. From Jan 25th forward, the issue has been resolved. However, ...

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Originally posted by deviant324

Is the bug/glitch where you zoom in with the Bois coming out of any form of movement and get a black screen instead of zooming in on a list somewhere?

It's annoying as hell and already got me killed multiple times. The weapon is already slow to use in regular combat, it really doesn't need an additional feature holding it back even more.

Can you share a video, if possible, so our QA team can look into it and see what's up? Thank you.


Originally posted by palamosteliaro

You are asking me - an individual - what good will do to the game if I prove that EA/DICE are lying to the community will do to the game:

It could make DICE/EA publicly admit that the game is in a bad place right now, forcing them to commit with specific content and delivery dates, instead of giving vague info and cutting out game modes to hide the thinning player-base. Realizing they need to work hard and fast would give the game more content sooner, instead of "Guys chill. No rush to deliver anything asap. Our PR guys and game changers keep the players under control with hopes"

Since you are supporting them, can I ask you same question reversed? What good lying to the community will do to the game? Keeping in mind that being vague, is still lying, because each player believes whatever they are hoping for, even if its not true.

Giving false hope that the "unknown content" that is "coming soon" will be whatever each individual wants and will be delivered be...

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Well, good luck with all that. I hope you get what you're looking for ....I guess.


Originally posted by Days0fvThunder

this sub has moderators?



Originally posted by palamosteliaro

I am trying to prove that we are being lied to from DICE/EA and "game changers" and it needs to stop for the good of the game. Westie talking about "millions of players logging in bfv every week" and DICE/EA removing game modes because they (the game modes) are not popular enough (and not the game itself)

Smaller player base since launch is not a concern, it always happened with battlefield games. Player numbers of a 6 month old game that reach the ones of 2,5 and 5,5 year old games is a concern though.

That's why we need to realize that player base is dropping dramatically compared to previous titles and force DICE/EA to publicly admit they indeed see the numbers dropping and they are doing something about it.

Not vague "coming soon" stuff. Actual numbers and release dates of maps, weapons, skins etc. Commitment in the form of:

X large conquest maps + X weapons + X skins to be released until the end of 2019. Not the rumored competitive game modes...

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Ok, to what end though? I don't believe DICE is lying about the player base at all but let's say they were and you uncovered this plot. What is your end goal? To prove DICE is lying? What good does that do?? Make people not want to play this BF or any other BF again? Ok..Well, I think the game play will dictate that much more than anything else but I might be wrong.

Also, to say they aren't working is disingenuous. They have made some blunders with the launch and the handling of the Tides of War for sure, but to say they aren't working I don't believe is fair. If anything you are going to start to see a lot more progress on the shift in their deployment of ToW assets here very shortly. It takes months to design and test maps and features from beginning to end. Just the fact that have announced RSP and the Level Cap changes weeks before they're being implemented shows that they are indeed working and it takes a while to get features in games like this properly implemented. ...

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Originally posted by real_wolfcookies

Are you aware that ALL players go "Predator" mode? i.e. semi-invisible????

Got a video?


Originally posted by Bael_Zharon

Battlefield V at EA PLAY Livestream Link - We'll be sharing the link so you can join us virtually to see what we've been working on and what's coming to Battlefield V.

Wait.. Is this just the ... link? The live stream is Saturday?

Yes, we’ll share the link so you can be ready for the live stream and not miss any of the information we’re sharing from EA PLAY. It’s an appointment setting.


Go for it, you'll catch up :)


Originally posted by ItsTritium

Wow that’s really crazy! So weird to see how different the maps were compared to how they are now.

If there is any recorded gameplay of maps from these early stages of development, would we be able to see it?

I would love to see the first versions of Rotterdam, devastation, fjell, and Twisted steel. I’ve heard that these maps have had the most changes during development.

Nope. At least not for public eye. There are many reasons for that, but either way, that decision wouldn't be up to me to make.

About the maps tho: - Narvik was always the same. - Fjell more or less stayed the same most of the time I believe. - Twisted Steel always had the massive bridge and the river, but in detail it changed a lot. The broken part was on the other side in the beginning as well. - Arras was always the same more or less. - Rotterdam was bigger once, but it wouldn't work performance wise. So it had be adjusted. - Devastation was the same for most of the time. The cinema and the library swapped places quiet early, but that's about it. - Hamada was very different at first, then got a whole overhaul early on and then stayed the same for the rest of the project. Tho the visuals were first very much like Sinai Desert. It changed to the more "white sand" style later on. - Aerodrome - I actually don't remember. :P

Keep in mind. Details, paths, cover, visua...

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Originally posted by breaktimehero

Soooo I'm one for more authentic uniforms and/or just adjustment of the tint of the uniform to match British and German colors! With that said I'm just going to start tagging every DICE official in the sub until we can get an official reply! u/Kenturrac u/PartWelsh u/Braddock512 any thoughts!?

You can have my official reply: I work with Levels, Modes, Tides of War and some core features. I don't know the answer to your question. I have forwarded it to the team tho.


Originally posted by palamosteliaro

Another try showing active servers right now, midday in Europe, since late night numbers are not “accurate” according to some people.

24 active servers on BFV (10 of which are for the Mercury map and wouldn’t normally be there)

19 active servers on BF1

20+ Active servers on BF4 (too messy to count) I even used true player plugin to be fair, because the in game browser shows about 70 full servers which is not true. The red/green numbers are the true ones.

Combine this with the removal of Duos in Firestorm, Domination and Frontlines and reach your own conclusions. Its not a player count, it’s an active players comparison between BFV and older games. You can see it as the success of older titles, if seeing it as failure of BFV makes you salty.

I did this video again, unlisted, no thumbnail so I won’t be accused of clickbait. I am clearly showing all the filters used (in the advanced filters) so DannyonPC won’t say I used the wrong filters. ...

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What I am not understanding is, what is the point of this? What are you trying to prove here??

We all know that the player base is smaller than it was at launch, no one disputes that so what are you trying to argue here?


Originally posted by INFsleeper

I mean you say picked the ones that reflect best what you want the game to be but then you pick Rotterdam and portray it as something it wasn't. British defending Rotterdam? All out warfare with tank in the city itself? It never happened.

First and foremost it's a game and fun gameplay is the most important metric. The battle in Rotterdam was tiny, but the transition between from this beautiful city into the devastated version was just very appealing story to tell. Another main reason was the massive requests we got during BF1 for more city maps. The Fall Gelb operation just seemed the perfect place for this. I am sorry if you disagree with our pick, but we are actually super proud of the two maps turned out.

Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far.


Originally posted by Giancarlo456

I want to be hyped, but I've been de-hyped too many times so, no this time, sorry.

I think that is a very healthy attitude. Seeing you hyped would be great, but I think it's just fair to see what we deliver and judge on that. :)