Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

20 May


Originally posted by Samsquamptches_

Are we okay to expect a level cap increase to 1000 like Battlefront 2 got? Can we get any sort of update on this. Looking for a reason to re-install the game

As u/PartWelsh mentioned, we're working on a Community Broadcast that will go into details.


Originally posted by LutzEgner

Is Thursdays update the one with the visibility changes?



Originally posted by CrafterOfSwords

So the Firestorm changes ARE coming tomorrow?

The changes come with the game update on Thursday, pending Certification with 1st party.


Originally posted by Hsriegel

Really nice!!! Looking forward to the update. If it's not too much trouble, I'm really interested in more details about the visibility changes :)


Originally posted by Cristian_9

Why do you say in the first place that the update for Firestorm is coming on 21st if it doesn’t??

When did I say that? Link please. Thanks!


We've got a new update, Firestorm tweaks and fixes, and the Visibility update coming this week. Let's get to it!

Monday, 5/20/2019

  • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!
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Originally posted by kuky990

Hi, Jeff friend just told me about this. So if I won this artbook, I will not be able to participate in future contests?

Technically, the Art Book was a gift for finalists that I added.The text in the future contests will be specific to winners.

TL;DR - If you win a video card, you can't win another one.
(I'd still love to see the creations from previous winners - as noted, I will have other items that we'll be giving out. )

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DMan304

I'm pretty sure they said that test was purposefully an extreme example, and it never looked quite that bad in the game.

Indeed. I'm fairly certain the new soldier visibility also does tweak some of these things as it's lighting related. It looks very good as I saw when I went to the office and printed some stuff :)


Originally posted by ShizukuEnju

It is wierd how people instead looking at the focus of the video, keep criticizing how people play their game... I am genuely disappointed that our community is filled with those self-absorbed people. I think battlefield is a game that allows many play style. People could be try hard and take out PIAT, MMGs, AP mines and also grenade launcher to harass your enemy and ultimately contribute more to the team as well as using those dot sights to gain most benefit over enemies. Some people could have take whatever they like and play casually, like using panzerfaust, using iron sight for all guns, etc. Anyway, it is my own business on my weaponary choice and my own business on how to play with my game. To people who would, again, judge how you should use piat to spam explosive, please STFU, downvote me and leave me alone. The ONLY message I would like to express via this video is theres a bug that you will stuck between dead and alive. Thank you.

The bug will be fixed in the upcoming patch :)


Originally posted by ColtenCunningham

Ooo. Any relation to the Slayer song by chance?

Rain in Blood or Reign in Blood or Raining Blood



Originally posted by broadspectrumautist

Angles or Angels?

We'll kill you with our crazy angles!


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

idk how feasible it is but I just started playing Sea of Thieves and their developer updates are fantastic. Just "hey, this is the mood at the studio, this is how the last update went, this is what we're testing/working on". Good quality production and hundreds of thousands of people see it. Following BF development is more like being a part of a speculative paint drying club

I'm personally a big fan of what they do on those.


Originally posted by Saetik

Hi Braddock!

I hope you're having a fantastic evening (with GoT happening soon and what-not.) Are there going to be any restrictions from having previous winners enter in the next contests?

Yes. If you’ve already won in one of these contests, you will not be eligible to win in future contests. Wouldn’t really be fair to have the same person win multiple times, would it?

It will be in the rules for the next contests.

19 May


Originally posted by Saetik

Congratulations to the winners!

Though, I'm a bit distraught by the fact that the rules clearly state to submit a clip, not create a montage following multiple matches. It would have been better if there was a separate category dedicated to this as I believe it's a bit unfair to the other contestants and does not cater to the #OnlyinBattlefield MOMENT as the competition would suggest, but I digress, I am not the sponsor and in the end, I do not make the rules nor judge. I'm happy enough to receive my artbook and being able to make it thus far (even to participate) in the competition.

And if anyone asks: was my submission (sorry about the quality but with what I have, this is what I'm able to give.)

You know, I’ve been thinking about this all weekend and don’t want my first contest to leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth.

The videos above are the best submissions we received. But, I do want to recognize the ones that just had a single clip video.

So, wait until tomorrow (Monday) and I’ll update the list with the additional winners that had a single clip video (and will send out those cards this week).

The next contest will be much more explicit in what is allowed, what isn’t, and will leave (hopefully) no questions. But if there are questions when the next contest is posted, I encourage anyone and everyone to ask those questions early.

I appreciate all the feedback and want to make this right and make it fun for everyone.


Originally posted by Johnny_boy2016

/u/Braddock512 check this out!

Saw it on Twitter a few hours ago. Been chatting with the guy that did it.


Originally posted by ScrubSoba

Great news.

Could you also look into the revive icons of dead teammates? The way they render completely hide enemy players and i've died many times to enemies masked by them.

You can change the opacity of the icons (for both hip-fire and ADS), i would suggest reducing that opacity at least in hip-fire, which could help. Have you tried that ?

18 May


Originally posted by beastbloodkiller

Then it would be fair to send cheaper cards(1660ti, 2060 something 3x cheaper if nothing) or idk something more than mouse mats to those with one clip. Because it wasn't their fault submit this way. They followed the rules and by this action they had less chance to win.

I am talking about those best few one clip videos. Not all of course. haha

Most, not all, that were a single clip were ineligible for other reasons (one had a ton of profanity, under the minimum length, way over the maximum length, they had 3rd party music, it was a Duo video not Solo/Squad, etc.) We did pick the best clips overall for the finalists, and some single clip videos were there. And I did focus on single clips through the first couple of rounds to ensure we had a viable pool of submissions. The next contest will be more open and have better explanations - I’m taking all this feedback and rewriting the requirements to be so easily understood there will be no questions.


Originally posted by _CorporalHart

Thanks for your hard work, but can you explain what this means? If the issue is fixed now, why wouldn't it be in the next patch? Is there some sort of review process that each game build needs to go through on each platform before it can be released?

It just sounds to me like you guys are working on a lot of stuff, but it takes forever for any of it to come out.

We have a tight schedule for all the patches with dedicated time for testing. This means that non-critical changes can't be made to a patch close to release. It drastically lowers the risk of introducing new bugs but at the same time means that bringing fixes live take a bit longer. It's a trade off, but personally I think the balance is right.