Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

16 May


Originally posted by MrPooooopyButthole

Gotcha, thanks for insight! Not sure if you posted why you made the change anywhere else but Im sure other people would also like to know why you make the changes you do. Keep up the good work!

Let me get that info. I’ll update the OP with it.


Originally posted by kuky990

Ah it's all fine Jeff. I am happy to be finalist, it means a lot. I am just sharing my thoughts.

And those clips are sure better than my is. We have to be honest :D

Looking forward to your next creation, buddy!


Originally posted by MrPooooopyButthole

u/braddock512 Just curious if you guys posted anywhere about the updated map rotation and the reason/logic behind it? I personally don’t like the rotation as much as the last but even that one wasn’t the best. In my opinion having the maps run like they do in grand ops would be the best to provide a sense of logical flow. Rotterdam -> Devastation, Some combo of Arras/Twisted/panzer, Narvik -> Fjell, Hamada -> Aerodrome. You guys have all the data but arranging the maps to reduce how much people quit between rounds because a map they don’t like has come up would be cool. Anyone else feel this way?

That’s the data we looked at. And put the big maps closer together.

Neat fact I found out! The new rotation doesn’t mean every server will be the same. Some started earlier/later in the rotation. So folks that want to play big maps closer together can, then jump to another server and check the current map to know where it is in rotation, while folks that prefer the city/closer quarters maps with my bail on a server when Hamada or Panzerstorm come up in the middle of the rotation.

15 May


Originally posted by valdeckner

I tried to find it on Xbox. No option.

Let me look into that with the team tomorrow morning.

Edit: So it's a funky config issue that isn't behaving quite as we'd like (it's being looked into for an upcoming update) but you all should be able to do this on each platform to clear that up.

The funky part is that it depends on which class placed the AP Mine. If it was placed by a Recon, other Recons can defuse them, and so on across the classes. It's not ideal, we would prefer to ensure that each class can do it regardless.


Originally posted by Liquidoodle

Perhaps u/lytlb1t & u/PartWelsh will pass on the request so we can have full gold on all sight types? <3

That's fair feedback. Will share in the morning (I've only gilded one gun and you're right, I stick to a different sight too)


Originally posted by cmnd_joe


Apologies - was out for evening playing Football! It was a painful experience, I don't recommend it!

So :) Update time!

We do have something that we want to talk to everyone about concerning Ranks, and the current cap of 50. Everything is scoped and there's a pretty robust design in place.

Now its all about understanding what development resource can be committed to bringing it over the line. Once they've finalised their prioritisation processes, and can tell me when to expect it in the game, that's the point where we lift the curtain and open the conversation with you all.

I've been told to expect an update from the gang on Friday so I'll be sure to tag whatever I can, prominently, into the weekly wrap up.

I'm hoping that no matter when it's expected, we'll still be able to tell you what it is that we're doing, on Friday. If it's coming sooner rather than later, we'll likely go into more detail than if it's expected further down the road,...

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Originally posted by trickje

Same thing here, I put in one clip and I had so many more that would make for a good montage. :/

We’ll have a bunch more contests.


Quite impressive videos, congratulations to all the winners and to those finalists getting some loot too!


Originally posted by kuky990

Congratz to winners, good video picks.

But I though you can share only one clip because offical rules said and I quote:

Send us a 90-180 second clip showing us your most outrageous, intense, or funny #OnlyinBattlefield moment IN SOLO PLAY in Battlefield V: Firestorm.

I didn't want to edit more clips into one video because of this and I had so many great moments recorded. I mean name of contest was "Only in battlefield moment" and not moments or montage of moments. Sorry but I think many misunderstood, including me

You were still a finalist, buddy.
Your artbook is on the way!

I'll make sure the next rules are a little clearer on being able to make montages/multi-clip videos.
You still did great!


Originally posted by SausigBoi

Yeah, but when will the plane glitch be fixed? With the resupply fields not working still for the last week or so? Please does anyone know any news about that?

They should be fixed with the next update.


Originally posted by Striraid

Well, excuse me, I don't mean to sound rude but from our perspective this looks like you can literally ban anyone you want and hide behind your standard excuse like it's some sort of lottery. Hooray, we won, we got our prize. Keep laughing.

like it's some sort of lottery. Hooray, we won, we got our prize. Keep laughing.

I don't understand this reference, but I'll address the other part.

Well, excuse me, I don't mean to sound rude but from our perspective this looks like you can literally ban anyone you want and hide behind your standard excuse

I don't think you're being rude. I can understand frustration. I'm sorry that it looks that way, but that's 100% not the case.

The fact is, as I've stated above, the appeals go to TOS and go DIRECTLY to the anti-cheat admin - who saves all evidence and has all the details on why a ban was put in place. If there is any potential doubt about the veracity of a ban, the investigation continues BEFORE the ban happens.
In the case of compromised accounts (which do happen because people don't want to do simple things like add Google Authenticator or other 2FA security measures on their accou...

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Originally posted by 8u11d0g

So having 140000 cc I cannot spend on anything worthwhile and being level 40 on TOW makes this week pointless :(

I know, man. I know. I raised concerns about this with the team Monday and yesterday.


Originally posted by KGrahnn

I was rude, i apologize.

I appreciate it.


On April 5th, 2019, we opened up the first (of many) content contests featuring our partnership with Nvidia.

The rules were pretty simple:

  • Play Firestorm as a Squad or Solo.
  • Capture some great moments in-game, showing off #OnlyinBattlefield moments.
  • Submit a 90-180 second HD YouTube clip of that video.

And the prize? Pretty fantastic, I must say. Squad Contest winners receive FOUR Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080TI GPUs (one for each member of their squad) and Solo winners receive one video card.

So, how'd the first #OnlyinBattlefieldV #Firestorm contest turn out? Pretty good! We had over 800 submissions in the two weeks the contest was running. We ended up with around 10 finalists (combined). Gotta read the rules if you enter a contest. ...

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Secure 5000 Company Coin in a new Weekly Storyline that features our variation of Breakthrough we call Fortress.

Complete this Week's Storyline and you'll be rewarded with the 5000 Company Coins to spend on Specializations or Skins to customize your soldier or weapons.

Let’s look at the tasks. Remember that the exact mission requirements can be found in game in the Tides of War menu.

Fortress - 4,500 Chapter XP
Play a round of Fortress.

Huff and Puff - 10,000 Chapter XP
Destroy 15 Fortifications in enemy objective areas.

Strong Walls - 10,000 Chapter XP
Build 10 ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by TackDaniels

I understand this, really. But how should you prove your innocence if you don‘t know how and don‘t get any assistance?

Well, the fact THIS particularly case has been reviewed by the anti-cheat (a person) at least 4 times - there's nothing to prove, especially with the evidence the team has (and no, we cannot release the evidence as it literally would undermine the entirety of our anti-cheat process and detection methods.) And, honestly, the occurrence of true false positives is negligible. The team is dedicated in not having these occur, and so when there is a ban, it's pretty irrefutable.


Originally posted by TackDaniels

I think the main problem with this cases is that there is no one at EA Help asking for further information/evidences. People only can guess what triggered the ban. They provide their information to EA Help and only get prefabricated answers. On EA Help site it says that an advisor will contact you for resolving the issue. But as I said, no one asks for further infos. How should you provide these without knowing what to provide? And tbh, I don't believe that a legitimately banned cheater would deal with this. And to be fair, I truely support that "non-tolerance" politics against cheaters. As long as it doesn't affect the wrong ones.

That’s a fair point. But again, if the advisor goes into detail on what triggered the ban, it can be used to update/re-engineer cheats to be harder to detect.

And you wouldn’t believe the amount of blatant cheaters - super obvious hacks and whatnot- that claim innocence.


Originally posted by TackDaniels

It's a known fact that bftracker stats are not 100% accurate and reliable. As u/Braddock512 said, these are third party web sites and therefore DICE is not responsible for the data (and quality) they provide. I'm also pretty sure that they don't use bftracker stats for anything internally. Why should they use inaccurate third party data? They have the real ingame data...

Yeah, we don’t use 3rd party sites for stat tracking - we track them much more efficiently and accurately internally. And - we don’t base bans on stats. We base bans on cheating.


Originally posted by KGrahnn

If I say ”Braddock deserves a prize” It doesnt mean Im handing prizes out. If someone deserves a slap - like a kid doing something awful, it doesnt mean Im slapping a kid either. It means they deserve it from something they did, and from something usualy which is not proper behaviour. Its not a threat.

In other hand - did you ever apologize from that guy. In that subject I made wild guess that you did not, and I might be wrong.

Well, thanks for that clarification. Personally, a slap on the hand and a slap on the face denote two different approaches. But that’s just my opinion, the later being an insult/abusive compared to the former being used as a reprimand, especially when you called me a “rude bastard”.

And no, I don’t apologize for closing down a thread. That’s part of moderation on the forums - especially if a thread turns non-constructive, goes off the rails, or if the thread has reached its conclusion. (And I don’t moderate forums anymore because we have a whole team that handles that now, so I focus on larger concerns/items in the community.)


Originally posted by Heiska76

Thank's Mr Braddock512 that you comment this threat. So i have to find some more evidence. That is a small steap a head to know that now. Where do i send all the material i have?

As the advisor mentioned in your case, you can send it to them.