Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by xJeepStuffx

looking back at the rules to that contest, it didnt say anything about a montage lol

Squads – Show off your #OnlyinBattlefield skills in Battlefield V: Firestorm! Send us a 90-180 second clip showing us your most outrageous, intense, or funny #OnlyinBattlefield moment AS A SQUAD in Battlefield V: Firestorm. Video submissions must be a 1080p at 60fps (YouTube links). No copyrighted or 3rd party music, but you can check out the official Battlefield V soundtrack on and include tracks from here. Be sure to include the words, “Battlefield V: Firestorm #OnlyinBattlefield #Firestorm Nvidia Contest” in the Entry.

it says a moment not a montage lmao had we known we could do a montage we would have had way more u/Braddock512

The next contest will be much more explicit in what is permitted - will specifically state montages, etc. (I have around 140 video cards left to give out, so there’s tons of opportunities coming). And there will be more winners per contest, as well as more finalist prizes (art books, swag boxes, BFV mouse mats - those big ones, etc.).


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Had it twice already. This needs to be seen by the devs. Tagging u/Braddock512 and u/PartWelsh.

Friend of mine had it as well, as other people talking about in the game chat.

Not sure the status of this one (as in if we have it fixed), but it is known to us and I have seen the gang attempting to reproduce the issue. Really appreciate having more examples to share with them so thank you for tagging <3


Can you please make more quality content like this?

17 May


Originally posted by 1MC_

I like to have notes from developers/you/testers/etc on why/where/what and self critique negative and positive about changes big or small.

I also enjoy visual representations of changes. screenshots/small clips. like the ones the dev did for rolling landing on twitter and I think /u/Braddock512 did for the upcoming lightening/visual update.

But give us the bad and the good. Am sure its not all rainbows and headshots.

Looking forward to these future patches.

Upvoted for rainbows and headshots.


Originally posted by GodsTopWarrior

I like the new one. I don't have to leave/join constantly to avoid Panzer/Hamada/Aerodrome. My only change, would be to switch Twisted Steel and Aerodrome, so I can avoid all 3 of them while getting to play all the other maps.

And this was the logic for it.

We know that there's a couple of different player behaviours out there - some show up just to play (no matter what), and others are more particular about the maps/gameplay styles that they like best. The belief is that what we've changed will allow players to stick with the same server for longer.

I can appreciate that some folks liked the shuffled gameplay styles aspect of the previous version, and for sure it's something that we're open to feedback on. We're not against mixing up the playlists more just because we've made this one change this week, and are even open to the possibility of introducing mixed modes playlists (same player count).

Please do keep offering the feedback - I wont struggle to get the attention of the folks who landed on the current rotations to share it with them <3


Originally posted by 1MC_

Will we seeing maps get the panzerstorm overhaul love?

Also can we get more in-depth patch notes?

Update notes will go live the day before the update comes out and once we pass Cert with 1st party.


Originally posted by DaZeInBok

Any news on tank customization?

They’re working on it. I asked about it this week. Will follow up Monday.


Originally posted by Variakan

Any news on those uk and german motorcycles?

What motorcycles?


Originally posted by 1MC_

Will we seeing maps get the panzerstorm overhaul love?

Also can we get more in-depth patch notes?

We are actually going to changing up how we deliver patch notes for Chapter 4 and beyond. Don't be shy to reply with what your expectations are for it because we'd love to hear it.

And yes, we've been told to expect this.


Originally posted by Sharukinas

You can turn it off in options

Correct. It’s an option under settings. Uniform soldier loadouts, I believe.


Originally posted by PartWelsh

I mean, where better else to ask?

Yes you will hear from either me or /u/Braddock512 on the topic. Its something we both feel would be welcomed back to Battlefield, and we know that folks here share that.

I don't know what the present limitation is preventing it but we keep it fairly close to the top of our lists to get more insight on.

I attend a meeting every Thursday and ask about it.


Originally posted by OtherAcctWasBanned11

/u/PartWelsh this probably isn't the place to ask but will we ever hear anything from you guys about team balancing?

I mean, where better else to ask?

Yes you will hear from either me or /u/Braddock512 on the topic. Its something we both feel would be welcomed back to Battlefield, and we know that folks here share that.

I don't know what the present limitation is preventing it but we keep it fairly close to the top of our lists to get more insight on.


Originally posted by Billy_bSLAYER

It just makes me F'ing sad that there has not been a MAP PACK/DLC released yet. The two year life cycle (lets assume) is over 1/4 over at this point!! Who cares about game modes other than the basic , CQ, BT, FL. Make Firestorm a free separate game also, please! Keep up the good work (lets assume its good)!

New map drops within the next 14 days.


Originally posted by ColtenCunningham

Oh the video is completely random! If you slow it down there isn’t any dynamite on the gun what so ever. So I imagine I may have just struck a bug that put me in a previous dynamite damage zone idk man! I don’t even care the first part of the title isn’t related to the video. Bugs don’t upset me really just makes the game more interesting.

Yeah they can be kind of fun sometimes especially when it's this random....

Well thanks for sharing, and the good news is that this bug will be fixed in the upcoming patch.


Originally posted by Billxgates

Maybe u/partWelsh meant next Friday?

Although, I’m all for cutting the guy some slack as it looks like he may have been injured playing soccer yesterday.

I’m still alive! (Thanks for the concern 🧡)

Painkillers are absolutely taking the edge off!

(Update is elsewhere on the thread - it absolutely was this Friday I was hoping to have the update on it and I’m still banging my drum to bring it ASAP)


Originally posted by ForwardInitiative

Any news regarding the level cap?

Was hoping to have a post on it this week detailing what’s coming, but we are waiting on the final decisions regarding how soon we can implement it.

It remains something we absolutely want to talk to everyone about before we get to EA Play. The second I see a date scoped out for it, I’ll be here with the full Orchestra to let folks know what’s cooking.


Let's review this week's events and see what's coming next week!

Archive for Week of May 13th, 2019

Monday, 5/13/2019

  • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!

Tuesday, 5/14/2019

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Originally posted by me_y

Where can I find detailed change logs of "Battlefield V Quality of Life Tracker Update"? As items are confirmed fixed, we move them to the bottom list.


Originally posted by ColtenCunningham

They added the revive after a vehicle on purpose, it was in the patch notes.

Very confusing video to watch, but I think he's right.

There is a bug in the game where you get killed if a vehicle you used before gets blown up, hence the kill happening with dynamite. I guess you knifing the floating (!) pak at the same time is a coincidence.