Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

17 Apr


Originally posted by BROMETH3U5

Am I the only one who noticed the picture is BF1 and not BFV?????

I don’t control the header pic. That is weird though.


Originally posted by hotdogswithphil

Why do you need to pull it while you analyze data? Furthermore, what is there to analyze?

Metrics and algorithms, Hot spots, Pain points, and we add my community reporting (qualitative and quantitative feedback) to make changes/tweaks, and improvements.


Originally posted by hotdogswithphil

It sounds fun, but we only get it for a week. I honestly do not understand limited time game modes. Why put all that work into something just to pull it out of the game?

We want to try out new experiences, see how the community likes them, and then analyze the data to improve them.

Nothing is really ever gone permanently, especially if it’s popular.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Ah I see.. Most of us were hoping to have more than 2 soldier sets offered and more unique gun skin camos.. As someone who grinded CC and bought a few boins, the limited offers this week are quite disappointing.. Feedback: I would suggest that the rotation would have more items both for soldiers and gun skins.. Also a lot of us grinded CC so we would appreciate more items that are obtainable with CC and allow past skins to stay in the armory in case some of us change our minds.. Just my 2 cents..

Appreciate that. Thanks.


Originally posted by icanhazaspergers

Let me guess, this game mode will be gone in four days.

It's live for the Weekly Storyline, as noted in the article you're replying to.


Originally posted by Varium

This looks like a good mode to grind your kills on a objective zone assignments!



Originally posted by planetmatt

How is Grind different from Squad Conquest apart from player count?

Oh, you have no idea. :D
SCQ is tactical. This on the other hand. This is nasty. :P


Originally posted by sunjay140

Linear is how BF is meant to played imo.

Looks like some of the maps may be too small for 64 though...especially Twisted Steel and Narvik. I mean, I get that the point is supposed to be a mid grinder but just because that's the point doesn't necessarily mean it's fun. Nonetheless, I'll wait till I try it.

Honestly, BFV needs good maps that capture the spirit of Fort Veux and Argonne. ...Oh and River Somme.

Give it a go tomorrow and then come back and let us know what works, what doesn't.


Grind is a 64-player experience that focuses around the idea of channeling the intense infantry fights on the maps of Battlefield V. Grind up your weapon or Class Progression in this narrow and linear Conquest layout.

How to Play Grind

Two opposing teams of 32 compete to capture and hold three flags in this tight variant of Conquest mode, until they exhaust the enemy team's Respawn Tickets. Your team must fight objective to objective, working to gain control of three key locations across each of the four maps.

Grind is set up on versions of the Narvik, Rotterdam, Devastation, and Twisted Steel maps. Each map is different, but all feature two teams total, three flags to fight over, spawns on team flags, and with a focus on tight, intense infantry combat. Let’s dig in to each map.



Read more External link →

Originally posted by Euroboi3333

Nothing against you my man. I appreciate that the fire has been put out. Have a great day!

You too dude.


Originally posted by Euroboi3333

Good guy dice for putting out the fire they started.

I can understand that perspective. I’m not here to take a curtain call, just trying to help reset the dial and talk.


Originally posted by PintsizedPint

What's the point of waiting when the thing you wait for are always in the additional notes?

If those additional notes aren't resolved until 1 or more days later then you might aswell post sooner. You can mark things as "uncertain as of yet" and edit later, like you are partially doing anyway already.

I fairly confused. "What's the point? Do this. You're doing it already."

I'm not being saucy or snarky, but this seems like you're complaining about wanting me to do something that I'm already doing, so I don't understand what more you want. I'm definitely willing to hear out your thoughts. Please clarify.


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Yes it was essential. We need to be better at how we introduce new content to make sure that it’s welcome, meeting expectations, and behaving as designed.

So it was taken out because of the way it was brought in?

To be as sensible as possible, we did need these few days whilst it was out of rotation to assess how valuable it was to fans of Firestorm.

Couldn't you guys tell from server population?

I guess you guys check the social medias, but I'm sure there's thousands of players who have never even heard of Reddit, don't have a facebook or twitter. So how can you possibly know what THEY think about bringing in a new mode, then take it out four days later? They don't come here to shout, or can't fill in any polls.

You’re right, they don’t. This is why we invest on data, in addition to what we see across all public social media platforms.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Thanks for adding this back.. While we're at it, is it possible to add a few more items in the armory this week without waiting for another refresh? The current selection is lacking..

I wouldn’t expect any changes to the rotation that’s presently live, but it’s not to say that we aren’t looking for feedback on the implementation of this overall. Naturally we have some of that from the opening weeks but don’t be shy adding more below for us to capture.


Originally posted by BFzoneFB

This is Grind Community Blog , at what time on the site

91 minutes from now it will be posted on Reddit and Forums and a Tweet will go out.