Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

18 Apr


Originally posted by boozenpuken_0923

I know my comment is either going to be buried or ignored, but what I’d assume your grand plan to be is having a weekly or monthly rotation of certain gamemodes. Like have rush available one week of the month, then the next month make it squad conquest etc...

Pretty much. That’s what I’m pulling for, at least. (The rotation, not ignoring you.)


Originally posted by fuvksme

Not gonna abuse this privilege but is there any kind of photo mode on the books for single player? Or the ability to manipulate character models for shots maybe?

If you are on PC you can use Nvidia Ansel in single player. I see you are on PS4 though so unfortunately you can't use that. I can't comment on what we are or aren't working on. You are definitely not the first person to ask for those things though.


Originally posted by CharTheFatcat

Does anyone else see a BF1 thumbnail for the post? This is f**king hilarious

Yeah. I don’t know how that happened. Reddit is weird sometimes.


Originally posted by western-potato

u/Braddock512 I think it would be really cool if we could use the bayonet as a close-range melee weapon like the hatchet. Instead of only having a bayonet charge, maybe you could select bayonet as your melee weapon and then you would be able to walk up to someone and give them a bayonet poke. Another idea I see here sometimes is being able to walk around with grenades in hand, and pulling the trigger would throw the grenade. I think these features would be awesome in BFV, but let me know what you think!

That sounds insanely cool.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No, but you’re not really looking to have a conversation. Have a great day!

17 Apr


Originally posted by GeeDeeF

Omg does that mean Squad Conquest is coming back as a permanent addition???

We have some big plans for Squad Conquest. I’ll have a blog next week.


Originally posted by UltraPlayGaming

Is there ever a chance that any of these modes would become a permanent addition to the game, if popular enough?

Potentially. We’re bringing Squad Conquest back next week, so there’s always a possibility that the popular experiences will return.


Originally posted by South3rs

For long periods of time there isn’t anything “extra” on rotation either so would be good if there was always something different available. Maybe rotate these new modes or something?

I agree!


Originally posted by spies4

Thanks for the communication, are there going to be any possible updates for the inventory UI in firestorm? As in there's an option to expand the inventory, so maybe an option to collapse the inventory, to just show the gun equipped, how much ammo you have for that gun, and then one slot for either armor/health packs, and one for gadgets like grenades, panzerfausts, AP mines etc.

There are things like this happening with Firestorm. I'll fire this suggestion across. Thank you for it!


Originally posted by ZiIIy

have you thought of putting some of these limited-time modes as part of a grand op as a way to include-but-not-limit?

It would increase variety in grand ops and still keep some limited modes in game, like how rush works in that panzarstorm grand op.

Interesting idea - make a new Grand Op with the 4 maps in Grind... a GRIND OP, if you will. (Yes, it's a pun. It's terrible, but I stand by it.)


Originally posted by blanton928az

Does anyone have an idea what time duos will be back in the game? What time does DICE usually update the game.



Originally posted by deftide

This game mode is right up my alley, but unfortunately I have family in town for Easter. I might not even get those 2-3 hours. Longer play time would be fantastic.

Maybe have a rotation of experimental/highly sought after playlists on constant 1 week rotations? Duos one week, then Rush for a week, then Grind for a week, and so on... You could pull data from those weeks of game modes the team is working on while keeping the community happy.

Nice idea. I'd also like to be able to tell y'all 2-3 weeks ahead of time when these modes rotate in and out. People like to plan for events.


Originally posted by wirewolf6

TLDR when is this mode coming?



Originally posted by Daubbles

We want more players per map, and instead were going COD style....

If unwanted COD, I'd play COD.

It's 32v32 in Grind. That's how many players are in the biggest Battlefield maps. How is that "going COD"? It's not like it's 12v12.


Originally posted by troglodyte

This looks absolutely awful to me, but I'm not the intended audience! Think it's going to be a raging success among a large chunk of the playerbase, and that's never a bad thing.

This is a great way to look at it. "It's not for me, but others will like it."

Thank you!

What type of experiences do you love in Battlefield V?


Originally posted by 7screws

I get that thinking, but why so short, like some weeks with being a dad and work, I can only play once or twice a week, I got like a total of 3 Rush matches. why not have them limited but for a few weeks or something?

That's a great point. I mean, personally, I get to jump into the game 2-3 hours a week while balancing work, married life, time with my pup - I feel you. Will definitely call this out in my report this week.


Originally posted by dynarush_3

So instead of bringing us what we want. Ie new maps. You keep regurgitating the same content again and again with a different spin. This turd of a game is all polished out. People on this sub are way too easily distracted. See you in a week when you all wake up again and start moaning. This game is the definition of insanity. Once over they'd of made a map which brought the metro style gameplay naturally rather than another "game mode".

We've already stated that new maps are coming - one in May, some during the summer, and Chapter 5 is going to have a ton of stuff.


Originally posted by silveiro1973

We want NEW maps. Not game modes! Where is USA? Japan? Russia? Stop doing New modes. Focus on conquest, TDM, rush... You are wasting time & money and loosing players!!!

The next map comes in May. Then more during the summer. Then Chapter 5 has a whole new theater.


Originally posted by kevin82485

Could polls just be integrated into the game instead of relying on votes from segmented communities on Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook? This way everyone is assured a chance to vote and voice their preferences. Could just be a quick splash screen that appears when the game is booted up.

Polls weren’t utilised as a critical measure of folks interest. That tweet was incidental. We have wider data collection than twitter or Reddit upvotes.