Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by veekay45

Oh so caps matter. Thanks

I escalated this to the Dev team. I don't have anything to share yet.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by F8RGE

PS4 or Xbox One?

This is fixed in an upcoming update


Originally posted by ASTRO99

Tuesday, 4/16/2019

Armory Update - as in new content or are you gonna fix that mess that it currently is?

New content.


Originally posted by quechucha

the date is showing that it was not updated...april 8

It says "Week of April 8th" meaning, the week that started with April 8th (last week). Also, you can see when it was updated by scrolling to the bottom. "Updated by u/Braddock512 4 days ago."


Originally posted by konlorgg

Can you atleast tell us how long it will take to analyse the data regarding firestorm duo mode?

Can we expect informations in the first half of this week or is this taking longer?

I'm delivering a report tomorrow AM and the team is pulling data. I'm hoping that we have an update before Friday. (I'm on PTO on Thursday/Friday, but will jump in if I get an update.)


Originally posted by quechucha

quality of life tracker did not have an update last week... was this also a temporary thingy?

It actually did get updated. We moved some items to Confirmed Fixed/Fixed in Next Update and added 3 new items.


Originally posted by Skruddy

Aye, thanks for the info, Brad. Your tolerance is something to behold.

With that said though, it's really awkward to basically have MTX be practically deleted for a day. Sub wouldn't be screeching as much if you guys kept the armory open and extend the cosmetics on rotation for a day instead of straight up emptying the store out.

This is exactly the point I made to the team.


Originally posted by peanutmanak47

Conquest going to get any sort of love? All these other game modes and stuff but conquest seems to be getting no love which makes no sense since it's what the majority play

What kind of updates are you looking for? Any specific pain points you're experiencing?


Originally posted by xgelite

Yeah I hear ya. It's just what has happened the last two times the countdown has expired. Look forward to hopefully getting the calendar updates, thanks!

Armory should be updating tomorrow. Some of the outfits/items look pretty cool, personally.


Originally posted by Braddock512

For sure. And again, thank you so much for giving me the heads-up. Much appreciated. #teamwork

Just got into the Confluence page. Armory should update tomorrow, April 16th.


Originally posted by Tyranor

Fair enough, thanks

For sure. And again, thank you so much for giving me the heads-up. Much appreciated. #teamwork


Originally posted by elijahkit

They cleaned up the post this week, I personally can see that they're trying to be a little more transparent and improve communication. I get that they didn't really say much, but I think it's just because they honestly didn't have much to say. At least they addressed Duos and Jeff answered about the armory. I'd always rather have them just be honest. Community friendliness seems to be on the upswing in congruence to their willingness to be more transparent. Hopefully it keeps trending in the right direction!

This. There's not a ton of stuff to share this week other than the new Grind mode coming on Thursday with Tides of War. Next week we'll have some more details on the return of Squad Conquest, and I'm driving some other top requested items with u/F8RGE to get some news out to y'all. (I have to be a little secretive about exactly what it is, but it's going to be great.)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is good that y'all let me know. As I mentioned, I hadn't logged in today yet and didn't see any alerts in my email inbox. I have escalated it, but as you noted, it's 5AM in Stockholm so potentially we'll have some info in the next 5 hours. I'll do my best to stay up to confirm what's going on before hitting the sack.


Originally posted by Tyranor

What? It's empty right now though

I just checked and confirmed this. I've escalated this to the team and will find out more. (I hadn't logged into the game yet today, so thanks for the heads-up.)


Originally posted by TankHunter44

Will new sets in the Armory cycle in and out periodically?

Like if I miss my chance to purchase a specific set say this week, will it be put back in the store at a later date in a future cosmetic rotation?

I believe that’s the plan. As well has having an opportunity to earn items through progression later.


Originally posted by 2Guys1Bush

Where are duos!!!!!

The Firestorm Duos Weekend ran from April 11-15. As noted in the OP, we’re now analyzing data and feedback and will report back to you with our findings.


Originally posted by xgelite

The countdown indicates when those items are leaving the Armory, for sure.

Why remove items if you have nothing ready to swap them out with though? Seeing an empty armory doesn't really encourage anyone to purchase the premium currency.

I want to get a calendar of when the Armory updates so we can share that in our weekly posts.

EDITED: Looks like the Armory is empty right now. Have escalated this.