Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by YourWarDaddy

I think this depends on the platform. Takes about 20-50 seconds for me on the Xbox, but I wouldn’t be surprised if PC servers are a little dry

Play on PC every night. 2 seconds to 2 mins usually. Average is around 45 to 75 secs.


Originally posted by Conse1

Understood. Unfortunately I havent been able to get in any server, SA or NA after the update anymore. I start the matchmaking and after the timer expires i get a message saying matchmaking failed to find a suitable game. Trying at peak SA hours. Ive been trying solo and I dont if just there arent enough players because of the duos launch. Will have to stick to normal multiplayer.

Sucks we need to play firestorm to be able to progress in tides of war...

It’s definitely feedback I’ve shared with the team regarding ToW. Have you tried Duos?


Originally posted by TackDaniels

I appreciate your efforts, thanks for that. But the fact that you trust these guys that much makes me wonder why me and all the others are in this frustrating situation.

I trust them and the tools and data that they have access too with which to make the decisions that they do. I doubly trust them to question the tools when presented with suggestions that the tools they're using are possibly reporting false positives. I triply trust them to do the right thing in those circumstances.

I can only operate from a super speculative position here as I don't have their insight. I can empathise completely with how frustrating it must be if you have been personally affected by something that you feel is totally unfair. I will be talking to them tomorrow.

Trusting them doesn't mean that I automatically don't trust others, like yourself.

Let's figure this out.


Originally posted by -lavenderhaze

Having read this reply from someone who understands the dynamics and the actual process involved within EA regarding these issues is at least a little bit relieving. However, the link you provided is the same link that was provided within the initial message I received the morning I was banned. I filled out the information that was requested, along with whatever information I could offer during that very confusing morning. I attempted to briefly summarize possible reasons within the email as to what may have caused this ban, primarily stating that I use OBS during gameplay for streaming reasons, and I also touched upon possible factors such as my global nvidia control panel driver settings- even though a previous patch addressed the potato mode / nvidia profile inspector / SLI profile fiesta that swept through bfv (and the settings would be reset during each launch of bfv.exe if there were any changes made that differed from global settings anyway).

I've closely followed ea...

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I'll have a chat with them in the morning to ensure that they're taking into consideration what you shared with me here, but I trust these dudes on the decisions they make, and the reasons they make them.

As I say, it's not an automated system that manages this stuff, it's people, and if they have due cause to take action, they do. Similarly, if they make mistakes, they're not too proud to admit them and will always reverse any bad actions.

11 Apr


Originally posted by natterdog1234

What happened to the upgrades to looting? They knew about that in the beginning and still hasn’t been fixed or improved

The last update (last week) improved some looting mechanics by increasing spread to reduce stacking and by improving collision between items. (This was called out in last week’s update notes.) The team continues to work on this and investigate more solutions to looting and inventory management.


Originally posted by SKGoon

I believe you will hear this extensively but duos should be a permanent mode. It's safe to say the vast majority of ppl have an easier time getting 1 buddy to play with rather than 3. In today's gaming market, the players want options and this one is a standard in BRs. *Apex is the exception on this as everyone already knows (which is a common request to change in their community) cheers.

That a tonne of other people have sent the feedback shouldn't stop you from adding your voice to the pile. It helps to get as true representation as possible of where people stand on the topic, and so even though your comments may duplicate what others have already said, you saying them as an individual is still very valuable to us. Thank you.


Originally posted by TheJackFroster

I love it.

Duo's works so much better than Squads. Vehicles don't feel like deathtraps since 4 players with Panzerfausts can't murder you in a second. I was playing with a friend and we both agreed that it was a huge improvement over playing with 2 randoms in Squads (or just with ourselves in a Squad game since the game loves to just skip searching for players on PS4).

My only complaint with the mode is that it's limited time. I understand the idea behind making it limited time, it's to encourage those who might be on the edge about trying it to give it a go to get more data. I understand. I just hope that DICE understands how it looks and feels to a lot of (vocal) players who feel like making modes that they enjoy (rush, squad conquest) limited time only seems like DICE is playing with them and taking away aspects of the game that they enjoy for no other reason that to keep general player numbers high.

I loved Rush when it was out, it was literally th...

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This really is. Thank you for taking the time to come back to us after playing and type it out. Appreciate the comments on Rush too, I'll ensure they're seen.


Originally posted by TackDaniels

Thanks for your advice. But I don‘t think that community managers are able to help you in any way with this ( prove me wrong /u/Braddock512 /u/PartWelsh ). It’s not their job to handle such cases. That‘s why they send you the link for EA Help site and that‘s it. Unfortunately.

I'm genuinely confused as to what's happening on this thread.

If you're getting that message, you're potentially being faced with a technical fault. If you've been banned by EA in any fashion, you will have received an email from EA's Terms of Service. If you're getting that message in isolation of that, and you aren't getting messaging from EA TOS at your nominated email address, then I don't believe that your account has been banned.


  1. Never ever share information about your account with anyone.

  2. If you feel that you have been banned, yes, you must contact EA Help. We're not fobbing you off, we're not passing the buck, these are the folks who have the data and the tools to investigate this stuff. It doesn't go through to some automated machine, it's not being passed to the lowest level minion, it's getting looked at by the right people. Check the link below.


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Originally posted by INGWR

expect much faster communication

That’s not going to happen. That is objectively, definitively, not going to happen. We saw how much of a buzzword sham Operation Sunrise turned out to be. You literally can’t even say that anything changed as a result of patting yourselves on the back for coming up with the Sunrise name and then not following through.

Look, don’t get people’s hopes up with false promises and then next month, they’re still asking why simple QoL have gone unaddressed since the launch of the game while you and /u/Braddock512 and /u/F8RGE respond “oh yeah we’re gonna circle back with the team on that one!” to the softball AMA questions. You’re intentionally misleading people as it’s been for the past five months.

Stop. You’re doing a poor job of things. Take the hint that Dan Mitre did: stop.

EDIT: In true fashion, /u/PartWelsh ign...

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Replying to you after you added your edit - I absolutely am guilty of dodging your comment today. When I originally read it, shortly after you posted it, I said to myself: here’s someone that’s lost total faith in us and there isn’t a conversation I can expect to have with them where there’s any other outcome other than continued disappointment. I’m not going to win this person around with words but by ensuring that we back up what we say. That’s only going to come with action. Happy to keep chatting with you here if you want to pick me up on something specific.


Originally posted by Conse1

Oh. So there are South American servers up? I thought they werent up yet because everytime I try to play it puts me on NA. Nice to know.

There's always been servers. It's a matter of population in that region connecting at the same time in the same mode in Firestorm. If not enough people are connecting, to ensure you can matchmake, you will be redirected to a more active data center.


Originally posted by ChainedGraboid

Hey u/Braddock512, I like this. Is this possible to bring up to devs?

Will do. Interesting idea.


Originally posted by Conse1

Is there any ETA on SA servers for firestorm? I think 2 weeks ago someone from dice posted here saying it would be live at the end of that week and since then nothing.

Actually, we've posted about it quite often as this is an ongoing challenge for some of our low-population regions. We have adjusted thresholds to assist with connecting to in-region servers. When we reduced the threshold, we received feedback that connecting in-region was more successful, but it is worth noting that during non-peak, if not enough people are attempting to matchmake, it will redirect the connection to more active datacenters. The team continues to investigate further options to address this, and when I have more information or further updates to share, I will.


Originally posted by TahitiMagical

u/Braddock512 so about that hair? Because now it seems like it's being avoided for sure

Not avoided. Just no update to share yet. I actually had a email thread about it with some of our designers.


Originally posted by Darkmagic2009

Hey Dice I’m asking for your help, with the tiger tank skin for the last tiger, I’ve collected all the letters and completed the challenges, but at the main screen it’s only says I’ve collected 4/6 but below it’s 6/6 there is a picture on my profile for proof, Could you help in any way Thanks

Have you tried the workaround of deleting your save file then replaying the mission? Anything you've already unlocked will remain.


Originally posted by rawwwwwwwww

so can we fix the loot ?

The team is working on updating the looting mechanic. I don't have anything to share yet - as they're exploring multiple options internally as well as listening to the feedback from the community.


yes, the best use is when a plane is already engaging another plane. Together you can take them down.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by phantasatron

Indeed. While working with the devs on BF1: Incursions, it seemed like we all came to the conclusion that they were only working on it so that it could be implemented in the next Battlefield. /u/tiggr denied this until the very end, but here we are.
