Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Someone else in the game was using a spotting hack. Today's patch should fix this 'issue'.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We do agree that Firestorm needs it the most, but also think about stationaries and top gunner positions on the regular game. Very frustrated to not be revivable if you see your corpse lying there.


Originally posted by stadiofriuli

I just wanted to let you know not the whole community thinks this way. I can imagine what hard work and love you've probably put into the game and people making jokes on here (not even funny ones) must be heart breaking. This sub has become a circle jerk and it's truly saddening.

For what it's worth I think BF V has the best mechanics of any BF to date, it just suits the skilled and the ones who are into hardcore experiences. No 3D spotting, no sweet spot, attrition, fundamentals squad mechanics make this a truly great BF. I really hate the including of BR though just doesn't feel right.

It's just it's missing maps and factions but I think you guys know that already but can't do much about it for corporate reasons.

I couldn't care less for assignments, progression or cosmetics, maybe that's because I'm coming from a time where people played games because they're fun. BF V is fun it just lacks content.

Well as long as the complains/jokes are justified and not just plain out rude, all I can do is forward the feedback and enjoy the memes. If it touches stuff I work on I'll do my best to improve the situation.

I'm a player just like you guys, I've played these games since forever so I want the experience to be smooth too.


Originally posted by huh-997

I have 2 questions and sorry if they've been addressed already, but I didn't see it. Ok question 1: I have checked my inventory against the airdrop list and I have not received anything yet. Including the 5 uniforms. So what do I do to resolve the issue? 2: I have not received CC since I've been playing this game, except from daily assignments. How do I fix that issue as well? I play on Xbox and my gamertag is :DirtierSockz. Thank you for any help you might can provide!

Reach out to EA Help to ensure your Deluxe is active on your account and they can assist further.


Originally posted by Frenchichi1

Hi, I bought the Upgrade from Normal to Deluxe like 2 months ago and only received the Red Baron P38 pistol.. Where are my airlifts ?

The Airlifts, unfortunately, aren't called out in the Armory with a special flag and they are automatically added to your Company. Check your Company against the list in the FAQ to verify you have/don't have the items. Also, please note - 2 months is 8 weeks, so you would only have 8 of the 20 items for the Airlifts at this point.


Originally posted by Sub-Sairo

Anything about a region lock toggle (or another solution) in Firestorm solo mode for South America? Playing with 160+ ping is awful.

Sorry for being reiterative, but i'm sure a lot of people is concerned about this and, personally, i'm really looking forward to being able to play this game mode in a proper way.

I totally understand. I've just pinged (no pun intended) our Slack channel that is focusing on matchmaking in Firestorm. When I get an update, I'll make sure to let y'all know.


Originally posted by Olegchan

You got to be kidding. The airlifts were a complete ripoff. 20 Weekly airlifts, in my mother tongue there's no ambiguous meaning to those words. On the website it still states to this day that I'm going to receive 20 items per week. Compare the 3 weapon skins we got with any other skin in the game and try to keep a straight face telling me they look any good. They're only a colour change to the standard green skin you get in the beginning. The special assignments got us some extra CC, but we won't be able to buy every item with them, as some will be locked behind a paywall. Probably the best ones will only be obtainable with Boins. I don't even know which soldier sets came with bfv, so underwhelming are they compared to any other skin. If there isn't going to be any compensation, be sure that most people that bought DE won't buy another deluxe edition again.

I understand where you’re coming from, but it doesn’t say “20 items per week”. It says “20 Weekly items”, meaning for 20 weeks, you receive an Airlift item.

03 Apr


Originally posted by supersayian0108

What happened to the compensation that was in discussion for Deluxe Edition? I'm awfully disappointed by this, I have brought deluxe editions for every battlefield since BF3 for myself and my wife and I feel truly ripped off with Battlefield V.

How do I check that I have received all the air drops in the armory?

The list of Airlifts is here:

Please note: That is one part of the Deluxe Edition offering. You also received Special Assignments, and the big point was the 5 Soldier sets you got to choose.


Originally posted by notfadeaway17

What a joke. Seems like the game is focusing mainly on battle Royale.

All we want are new maps. Thats it. Dont care about skins or camo.

Th is update has a lot of Firestorm tweaks/fixes because the mode just came out. We're continuing to drive development of maps and content for the whole of Battlefield V, as noted in the roadmap that came out a couple weeks ago.


Originally posted by jayswolo

I hope it's not the aforementioned "wider spread" because that's SUCH a bad idea. you ever saw more than two people die in one room? try a squad. loot spread all around the room is just as bad as it being all piled up.

The wider spread is the first change that will be implemented. The team is working on additional options in coming updates.


Originally posted by boostedb1mmer

How in the world does it make any sense to make one of the things you purchase with Boins an XP boost? A huge chunk of the playerbase is already max rank so why would we spend real world cash for no reason?

Chapter rank, Weapon, Class Rank all can use XP boosts.


Originally posted by Phreec

That's good to hear! While you're here, I'll have to mention a questionable design choice that's been on my mind:

The muffled audio, volume lowering effect that lingers when on low health.

Why? Doesn't it feel a bit backwards?
When in one-shot territory that's when you need to be most aware of your surroundings. The last thing you really need is another disadvantage on top of that.

IIRC BF1 also had something similar but I don't find it working that well with the removal of passive health regen.

Funny that you're asking about this. I had a conversation with our audio designer about it and we sort of had the same discussion. As a result, he is going to adjust the audio when low on health to make it easier to remain aware of your surroundings :)


Originally posted by vectorvitale

Will there be an option for what color it is and how much it can be seen? I really like the idea, the edges will be just enough, but some people might not like the defaults.

I also like the idea of having it be green. idk why.

We communicate healing with the yellow color so we want to keep it aligned with that as much as possible (we actually tried green!). I don't think we will be adding an option to change that color, doesn't seem to be something necessary.


Originally posted by bt843

Didn't see anything in the notes concerning the Firestorm looting improvement (increased spread?).

Is it in this update??

Yes, it is in the update.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Well of course it feels bad, sadly it's out of my hands. I can still enjoy a good meme though.


Originally posted by Phreec

Changed the way camera recoil works. When firing, weapons are allowed to go a bit more off center now. The true point of aim will follow the weapon and is not fixed to the screen center.

Changed the way SMG and assault rifle dispersion increases while firing in ADS. The second, third, and sometimes fourthshots(for low rate-of-fire weapons) are now more predictable while later shots are less predictable. Also shortened the time it takes for dispersion to decrease when no longer firing. This means short bursts are a bit more effective, while long bursts or mag dumps are a bit less effective

This'll be interesting. The gunplay is already one of the few things this game gets right, something like this could risk changing that to the worse (or better).

The first-person animation when picking up health packs and ammo packs have been movedto take less screen space for improved visibility....

Read more

We'll be looking forward to feedback on the changes for sure. We were pretty happy with what we had so far but there is always room for improvement!


Originally posted by hordijk

Added the soldier stance icon from single-player into multiplayer.

Woot woot

I'm looking forward to reading this sub-reddit in the next few days :-)


Originally posted by vectorvitale

To be honest, I quite liked it, but it was wayyyyyyyyy too strong. I'd be okay with a small amount of it (like 10 percent) to know exactly when you're done healing without looking down at your bar

It's coming back in the update that comes after with an effect that will only affect the edges of the screen (should just be enough to be "noticed" but won't affect the visibility on maps.

For this patch we decided to hotfix it as it didn't release with the "final" version. The