Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

25 Mar


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Originally posted by Journaling_Greyhound

Is this a yes?

Its not a no, but I don't know if that means its a yes.


Originally posted by Brianiskey

Hey u/PartWelsh, not sure if you can say anything about this yet, but will we be able to select the region we play in? I live in Hawaii and if I'm not connected to US West the game is darn near unplayable. Super excited for Firestorm, just got 14th as my Staghound exploded haha.

It's good feedback for me to share with the gang. The way it currently works is that its looking for active servers close to your area. Given that it's Midnight Sunday night your time and that this is a fresh mode, it's just going to take an hour or so for populated servers to spin up, and as people start going to bed on the West Coast, that will likely push you toward your next closest region.

I imagine that this will completely smooth out for you as the game cycles folks in.


Originally posted by The-Gaming-Alien

Are the server issues being worked on?

Yep - more being spun up now.


GG! Just came short on a round myself finishing 6th!

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We're working on this, servers are scaling up.


Morning folks - we're tracking this one.

I'll edit this comment with any needed details, though chances are this is just a hiccup as we spin up new servers and burn in the Matchmaking

Edit: We're seeing stability across the servers and regions right now. If you bump into anything new please do tag me or post up on Answers HQ -

24 Mar


Originally posted by DaZooKidd

Can we get a time for release? Please, I know that it's the 25th but is that a midnight release or what?

EU morning.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It will be live before 12pm EU. (BFBulletin is pretty accurate.)


Originally posted by mlvitaliy

DICE Idiots. Do not touch the netcode. How tired ........ It became disgusting to play. Turn back the initial netcode.

You already posted this delightful message elsewhere. Don’t spam, bud.


Originally posted by StefanCasper1994

You’re the man Braddock, I honestly think EA and dice have no idea how many customers you’ve retained from putting up with all our bullshit and still communicating with us honestly. Thank you for everything you do, hope you’re having a great weekend and let’s all cross our fingers firestorm blows everybody’s dick off tomorrow and we get that sweet sweet battle royal dev money.

Thanks, brother.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SirFappington007

Is it possible to give more information in the new fiscal year? It's info and hype this game needs to shut everyone up

I assume that will be the case yes. It certainly helps to be in a new fiscal. Also do believe the rules/setup changes this fiscal, for the better - but not sure what impact that will have

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UltraPlayGaming

So, in theory, say in the case of a map like Monte Grappa, it would be easier to do from scratch because it's harder to polish an existing map? I assume it's because BF1 has assets that do not exist in BFV and would be harder to port and polish those assets to meet current standards compared to doing things from scratch?

In a nutshell, yes. Terrain you could just port, but you'd need to polish it etc. Buildings and destructible objects are set up in a new way, which means more work if you want the same ones as well, and so on.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NozGame

It's nice to tell us that there's some good stuff coming, really. But I feel like you guys have been saying this for months and I just can't see the good stuff. Even the most basic things still haven't made it into the game.

Im not saying that, I'm saying we need to deliver content and that's the proof of service. Talking won't do any difference either way here, and it's proving time. I know the team is hungry to do that.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by weedisgay

I see so many developers saying can't when i think what you mean is won't. What would actually happen if you were to go into some detail and specifics on stuff that's already confirmed to be coming? I understand if you don't want to specifically mention maybe content but what is the actual reason you can't tell about stuff that is 100% confirmed?

No, it's actually can't. Because if we do the income from the full game, or significant part of income for that period (between something getting announced until it's actually in players hands) gets deferred into the next quarter - or worse, the next fiscal year (due to how the books are kept and the stock market rules etc). This is a pretty bad thing if this means impacting the stock price or the mentioned feature gets delayed for some reason (which means even more deferred revenue).

It's called "deferred revenue/income". If you're interested just go research that. It's ultra boring.

I'm the first dev to argue for full transparency however- and I think things like the CTE is the answer there, as it means we can show things in development but not promise or announce anything connected to a date - and the community can be part of the process more openly without deferral issues (or much smaller ones at least). Win-win.


Hey, As I just wrote in the Narvik night thread, we currently having conversation about this. A bit to my personal surprise, the night version of Panzerstorm resonated really well with the community. I actually almost wanted to cancel it when I worked on the Operation since some internal feedback suggested that it might be too dark and we learned with BF1 that night maps are extremely unpopular (both night maps had the lowest win rate in the map voting system of BF1 by a massive margin). So I am super happy that you want to see more of it. For Panzerstorm during the Battle of Hannut only parts of the map got setup to work correctly in a night time setting. This means we first have to see what work is required and if we can do it without diverting resources (people/manhours) away from the new maps that are currently in development.

For some more context I gonna copy the text I wrote in the Narvik night thread here: When we change the time of day on a map, a lot of element...

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Hey, Just wanted to let you know that we are exploring this right now. It's too early to tell if it happens. As you all know Narvik already exists as a night version, but only parts of the map are setup correctly. When we change the time of day on a map, a lot of elements need to be adjusted. We need to evaluate visibility, ambient audio and vfx have to changes and we need to make sure that the lighting works correctly in houses (with and without destruction). There are lots of parameters to adjust and people from different development departments need to do their work and approve on it.

We also heard you loud and clear that you want more maps and theaters to play on/in and we don't want to divert important resources from content that is right now in development. Therefore I can't make any promises, but we are looking into it. Keep the cool ideas coming. We are always listening. <3

P.S.: Same goes for Panzerstorm, but I will reply in the other thread about this sepa...

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