Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Tracker

06 Mar



Hello folks, while we are still working on getting the Community Calendar out to you all as soon as possible, the events are still happening; check below for more details on start times and what to expect this weekend!


Start Time: March 8 - 23:01 UTC
End Time: March 11 - 05:00 UTC
Event Details: Blast and Strike modes will have 1s spawn timer for the duration of this event.


External link →

28 Feb


Originally posted by superjediplayer

Hey, CJ, good to see you here! how are you?

why don't posts get a "dev response" tag when you comment? is this some kind of "you're on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of game dev" situation?

No idea. I'm still pretty new to the reddit scene, so most of this stuff is pretty unfamiliar.

27 Feb


Originally posted by ArgenJVC

I gotta say,I'm actually surprised about this emote wheel,is feels easier to use than in other games

One (tiny) thing we did in this, which not all other games has, is direct visual feedback on the input. On PC that's no fancier than showing the mouse cursor, but on console we visualize the position of the right stick. This should helps you predict when you will switch selection from one emote to another.

Another minor detail, just on console, is that we have a little extra safe area for leaving a selection. E.g. if you move the stick carefully to precisely jump to the next selection, you then have to move this extra space to get back to previous. This helps preventing that the selection changes due to a tiny movement when releasing the stick.


Originally posted by 02Alien

I've made it part of my morning routine. Wake up, shower, check BF2 credits, brush my teeth, head to class.

I don't even play the game anymore, I just check the credits

Haven't lost a game in ages.


Originally posted by VoteRepublicanAgain

How did you find this? Just randomly wanted to look at the credits again & saw this?

Is this not something all players do on a daily basis?


Originally posted by Woggy322

u/phatseejay might want to look into this

Aw h*ck


Originally posted by ZernikVoltage

Excuse me, I was getting a really weird screen flash bug when I was trying to switch my volume slider when I was in full screen, when I went windowed my screen would stop flashing, but when in full screen every time I would move the slider left or right my UI would flicker really fast. I can try and replicate again and see if I can get a video of it if that’ll help with the issue.

Sounds strange. Are you running SLI or Crossfire? If you manage to replicate it, can you try go to Video Options and pick 'Reset to default' and see if that fixes it?


I'm glad you liked it! And thanks for noticing it, posts like this makes the UI team very happy. =)


Originally posted by superjediplayer

"Ahsoka Tano... i've fought by her side from the battle of christophsis to the Siege of Mandalore, and a friend of hers is a friend of mine"


That'll do, soldier. ❤️


Originally posted by tthirtythree33

Will the emote wheel be usable for heroes too?

It is


Originally posted by Dmjoyal1

Please create a new HVV mode without the target game mode.



Originally posted by CLUTCH-7

Is it bad that I am really excited about the yellow hit markers being added for when you hit a vehicle’s weak spot?

You and me both :)

...been trying to get that in for a long time.

23 Feb


Originally posted by VincentDanger

I have every skin in the game so far for the clones. Will I be given Phase II versions of the skin for free because of it?

If you own an appearance, you'll find a crate that unlocks the new Phase 2 version.


Originally posted by moderndemon84

Do they have different designs as well to differentiate them from the other 3 classes (181st,87th) , like the 104th and 501st officers ?



Yes, the appearances you get in the Legion Crate include the Armored Officer. The Shinies, 181 Armor Division, and 87th Sentinel Corps have Armored Officer appearances for free, and there's also the uniformed Navy Officer being a free appearance, after the patch goes live.


Well now I feel awkward.

22 Feb


Originally posted by AllUpNSmoke

I always thought the default Kashyyyk armor (white with green markings) was the 41st Elite Corps. I also thought phase 2 41st had grey markings and not green.

With Phase 1 troopers of the 41st Elite Corps appearing in the Clone Wars animated series, it made the most sense to design a nice new green pattern for the standard issue Phase 2 armor as well, so they're overall unified across both phases.


Originally posted by Knappen5

Oh hi CJ! :D



Originally posted by GeneralGrievous66

Well CJ does look like Obi-Wan from an Alternate Universe lol

Guess I better get some jedi robes for Celebration.